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FPS/Desync issues PLEASE HELP!

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So I have been playing DayZ standalone for the past 12 months or so straight, loving and hating it with all my spare time. I've recently taken to starting a youtube channel to just share my experiences with you all, which has been awesome. I'm loving it.


The game is now unplayable for me and I was hoping you all could help me out with this.

About 4-5 patches ago I was running this game on high (nearly max) settings. Solid 40 fps in most towns, only problem was desync but I could handle that.


The game is unplayable, EVERY town I enter immediately not only gives me epic desync issues but also causes my frame rate to drop from a solid 40-50 (in open fields away from buildings) to about 8-12 when entering the towns/cities.

Here is my PC specs:

GPU: GeForce GTX 750 (rougly 3-4 months old)

CPU: Intel® Core i5-4440 CPU @ 3.10GHz

Memory: 4GB RAM

OS: Windows 7

I realise my rig is definitely not ideal for running this game, but I just don't understand how my game can go from running so well to basically unplayable. Is this simply an issue from development? Is there something I can actually do to stop this?

PLEASE for the love of god do NOT tell me to check out guides on youtube and what not, I have done them ALL. All were useless and told me nothing I already didn't know (or do). This DOES include changing config files!

Thanks in advance! 

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