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Bullshit end to humble beginnings... :'(

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Now I don't usually complain, but this just made me sad. I started a new game on hardcore, and spawned around Berezino. I only play on high pop servers(for fun and interraction), and here goes my life.

I made my way towards the construction site and came away with a backpack, hardhat, raincoat, and other miscellaneous supplies. I proceeded to search a lot of random houses and found a lot of food, hunter pants, a 22 trumpet and a lot of ammo. My first experience, was not the one that ended my life; but ended in the needless slaying of a survivor. I was in the police station, and I heard zombies attacking someone. I thought that someone was there, and then a fresh spawn ran in bleeding and said over DC: "I'm a survivor just like you" and as I went to bandage him he started punching me. I wear a hardhat for that reason, and I killed him one hit to the head with my sludgehammer.


Later on, I went to the school. There I found a pristine LRS and mosin ammo, life was good. I ran down the road, stopped to check my compass, aggro'd a zombie and then killed him. Here's where shit gets fucked up:


I turned around, and ran about five feet; not sure if he was invisible or spawned in or lagged or some shit but some guy just appeared and raped me with an M4. The end, what the fuck :(

Edited by Apocrypha8

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Yea dont trust random people just try and avoid them as much as possible. I once met a guy and we became friends for a few hours traveling all down the coast then inland toward the NW airfield we got into firefights together and saved each others butt's then he says that his friend is logging in at the airfield but he has no gear so we have to gear him up so his friend logs in but the airfield was pretty much looted out so then when I was inside a military tent he says "Sorry man" and axes me in the face then proceeds to give my gear to his friend. 

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You should try to get used to KoS players as they are probably the mass majority of players in the public hive.


In this case you seemed to be either a victim of a hack or some very bad luck.


I personally never KoS and try to encourage others not to KoS as well.


If you want to play a neutral/good character, you need to come up with strategies for each encounter to help ensure your safety.


Often I am able to avoid KoS and players who act shady.


Sometimes though, I still get caught unaware or pay the price for trying to avoid conflict.

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what exactly does this thread do

Duh, nothing. It's an inanimate object. :)

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Just another Day in DayZ I guess...

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Let's round up a Posse boys


I'm starting to think this is the correct answer for every one of these threads, regardless if we actually do so or not.

Edited by Steak and Potatoes
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