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Melee Takedowns

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Ive been thinking about cool way to kill with melee weapons rather than straight up axeing a question. What if possibly you were able to "sneak" behind a person with a knife or bayonet and was able to perform a takedown an animation would show you plungeing the knife in the players neck, when i imagine it looks cool as hell but given that this is dayz it may not work out as expected. What do you guys think?

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[Youtube Link]

Time is 26th second. Watch carefully.

This is from Arma 3, DayZ Mod, or which I call it fake mod. This is good takedown but I don't think all people are going to like it.

In close-combat fights it would give you unfair abillity. For example, for takedown we need to be near the back of player and press E. And now, imagine fight. You carry axe and I have knife. I can just run around you until I get near your back and press E. You'll be dead and have no abillity to ressist animation to take you down.

It's good to have this, but I think it will be hard to balance it for both sides. You can't just expect that you are takedown terminator and can kill everyone just by going behind them and spamming E.

Edited by JustCaused

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This would be amazing! I got this picture from FRANKIEonPCin1080p's new video.

Something like this or similar could be accomplished by the dev team and would make the game feel much more immersive with stealth gameplay!


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How about an adaptation of this? The attacker would have to spam E to build a "kill meter" within say 5 seconds.

The guy being taken down would do the same to escape, building up a "counter meter"

Basically whoever fills the meter first is the Victor. Invisible meter or not, whatever's best.

Almost like BF4s counterknifre but is more reliant on the player

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I would think if there were to implement this that would tie into the stealth system being added, maybe like maybe one idea i was thinking could be you have to stay out of the players view and if you get caught in the player's view you would have to be out of sight for a cooldown period to perform the takedown but im not sure if it would work in 3rd person since people can see their back.

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