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Player Behavoir Evolution

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Since every server is like completly locked down with wirefence and tanktraps everywhere in Cherno/elektro. Those places have become somewhat quiet. Sure, there is still PvP going on there, but those places arent what they where used to be.

Now way more people make their way up to Berenzino and NE airfield. Even the server Hoppers are more common now there.

I´m not mad or anything, just wanted to talk it off. When i Started playing Berenzino was a nice chilled place. Of course back then there where like only 25% of the actuall players but still, Cherno/elektro where warzones back then. Now noone wants to go there because you cant even get the loot cause of the wirefence and stuff.

Untill now, berenzino isnt completly locked down, but the it happens more often that you encouter groups or so called "Bandits" sniping the city from far. It wont be long I think and the Military camp and everything else is locked with tank traps and such. Im still not mad. But its interresting to watch this. Alot of folks are just playin for a Week or two, there arent that much "old" dayz players.

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The military tents, and nearby supermarket/apartments at Berezino have been my stomping grounds for weeks but as of lately I have found alot more players snooping around.

Fortunately the three apartments give me a good viewpoint to snipe at anyone who gets too close to mah loots.

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tool kit. *dismantle fence

Oh wait I just spawned and don't have a toolkit or Oh wait I have a tool kit but the hotspot is hidden in the wall/ ground preventing me from cutting it.

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I really dislike the barbed wire spamming that's going on at the moment. I'm okay with the logic of it, but it's getting a bit out of hand now, in my opinion.

Pretty much any mid+ lootpoint on the southcoast is blocked in pretty much every server, and I;m sure it won;t be long until people pick up on it and the entire east coast get blocked as well.

As I said, I;m okay with the logic of it, but It's just a bit too much.

Besides, I'd imagine people living in a post zombie-apocalyptic world would have much better things to do than put barbed wire in front of seemingly every random door in the world.

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You should be able to move through barbed wire, at a stiff cost of time and perhaps a chance to start bleeding. It's kinda dumb that it's a brick wall. I've been able to step over it many times but I have a feeling I could break a leg doing that. Not sure.

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Berezino is an ok town. NE airfield isn't worth the time to walk there however.

The winning combo is Vybor + NWA. There, I said it. Come get some.

You can head straight north from Komarovo. Even without a compass, remember...keep the sun on either your left or right side as that is where it rises and sets(spawning on *southern* coast will tell you if it's morning or evening, pay attention.).

Hit as many deer stands/towns along the way, you should be pretty well equipped by the time you arrive in Vybor. Vybor has the only supermarket/office in the NW quad, that should get you w/e you are missing for tools and also backpacks if you don't have one.

Then pucker up and go to the airfield. You will be close to Stary. You will be tempted, but do not give in as you will find nothing there that you can't find in any deer stand. Hit the barracks, if there is nothing good or you hear gunfire, cruise around the outskirts of the airfield and look for heli crash sites. NWA is large. It is possible to creep thru even with people already there, unless they have ESP hacks, then you are fucked. (lost my bizon this way..:( ) Good luck.

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tool kit. *dismantle fence

Oh would you look at that the barbed wire is behind two tank traps a wall of sandbags and barbed wire that is protruding through the wall. No problems though right.

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I think it is great. Every time I head to a location I think I know, the geography is different and I have to adapt to the change. But I can see the downside from being completely locked out from loot spawns everywhere.

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