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Running dayz mod with only ARMA II OA

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is it possible to run dayz mod just with ARMA II OA. From what I've read you need to have ARMA II too, but maybe its possible to run it with just ARMA II OA ? I`ve seen  tutorials that are ~2 year old where it is possible, but you need to download ARMA II demo from steam. Sadly this is no longer a option, so maybe someone can help me with some advice ? 

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this is no longer a option


This is what it boils down to.


ARMA 2 is needed, because Operation Arrowhead is merely an AddOn for that, not a standalone game.



Please make sure to read the rules and guidelines before posting. This includes making yourself familiar with the layout, as this was not the correct section (only DayZ SA stuff goes there)




Edited by kichilron

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