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New Server Signup and Ticket System

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Why the need of full name and address? What does it have to do with hosting a DayZ server? Where do I find information how my personal data will be stored?

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Is it just me that gets a blank shopping cart when I click sign up?

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Is it just me that gets a blank shopping cart when I click sign up?

No, I get the same. Blank site, no fields or something. :-(

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Same thing here. Tried on different browsers but does not work.

No difference if logged in or not.

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is the ticketing system down? I can't even get through to it.

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We had a bit of an issue with the upgrade last night, these issues have been fixed.

Can servers be hosted outside of the USA / Europe?


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We had a bit of an issue with the upgrade last night' date=' these issues have been fixed.

Can servers be hosted outside of the USA / Europe?


Yeah, nice! Now I can place an order. BUT if I try to download the Mission File I only get the following: "ID must be numeric" on a white site. Is that normal and right?

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We had a bit of an issue with the upgrade last night' date=' these issues have been fixed.

Can servers be hosted outside of the USA / Europe?


Yeah, nice! Now I can place an order. BUT if I try to download the Mission File I only get the following: "ID must be numeric" on a white site. Is that normal and right?

Were you approved for an instance ID and if so message me your server IP so I can look into this.

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Hi Dante,

I also have signed up for an instance ID. I understand that the reviewing process takes time but could you provide us with the avg. current delay between filing an application and being reviewed?

This would allow for better planning.


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Hi Dante,

I also have signed up for an instance ID. I understand that the reviewing process takes time but could you provide us with the avg. current delay between filing an application and being reviewed?

This would allow for better planning.


I'm not going to answer this, for the reason that any time I give people will create tickets/posts/emails if their request has gone past that time. We deal with A LOT of support and setup requests and we handle them literally as quick as possible. If it is not fast enough, I apologize and I hope you can understand that we just ask for a bit of patience and trust that we will get to your request/ticket as soon as possible.

On a second note, to restate this: DO NOT bump your tickets. If you do this you are only hurting yourself because we answers tickets by which ones have gone the longest without any activity. So by 'bumping' it you are only pushing yourself to the bottom of the pile.

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Hi Dante,

thanks for getting back to this. I was aware of the "bumping" thing, this is why I thought I'd be nice to have a rough guesstimate whether it at the moment takes around 24h or more like 7 days to get reviewed.

However I understand your point - posting a fixed timeframe may lead to additional support requests.

I'll just wait for the request to be handled - thanks for the effort the whole dev team is putting into this project :)

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I'm also getting this error while trying to download the mission files - ID MUST BE NUMERIC.


Edited by blackracoon

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If you have not yet been approved for instance ID that would be why, if you have been approved please PM the IP of your server and I will look into it blackracoon.

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I need an Instance ID!

I have send a Ticked but still didnt get this ID : (


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Just feels like no server beeing reviewed at all for the past view days, couldnt manage to find anyone on DayZ IRC who got approved or declined for the last 5 days :D

@KyelLogen, dont fear! our timestamps are getting older and therefore being top of the list soon!

Edited by azunai

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Just feels like no server beeing reviewed at all for the past view days, couldnt manage to find anyone on DayZ IRC who got approved or declined for the last 5 days :D

wtf? Dont say,... -_-

I sitting here and waitng,..nothing happens aaaahhhhh getting mad

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Yes my request is also pending for 5 days. At least I know now that I am not the only one.

I guess we just have to wait ;)

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Can someone help me please?.

I start the six launcher i join a server and 5hours ago and more ;;) Wait for host.Please answer fast thank you.

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I'm not sure the normal time frame for an instance iD/whitelisting but yes, it seems that the need for hotfixes and perhaps the site updates may have slowed response time for these issues.

I'd also read somewhere that this may be used to keep too many servers from flooding in and overwhelming hive communications. Any confirmation?

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I'm not sure the normal time frame for an instance iD/whitelisting but yes, it seems that the need for hotfixes and perhaps the site updates may have slowed response time for these issues.

I'd also read somewhere that this may be used to keep too many servers from flooding in and overwhelming hive communications. Any confirmation?

that would seem to me a given. to a point anyway

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Hi Dante,

I also have signed up for an instance ID. I understand that the reviewing process takes time but could you provide us with the avg. current delay between filing an application and being reviewed?

This would allow for better planning.


I also have requested an ID ... hope this wont take 1 month as for the other 2 servers we run ... :)

Edited by liukang_168

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I have been waiting for two days vor activation now but nothing happened.

can you help me?

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