albinoclock 45 Posted March 13, 2015 (edited) Monday we'll be having our first Caravan Raid! To get things started we'll be traveling from Chernogorsk to Lopatino via the Nadezhdino road! If you want to participate drop by a little before 3p EST on Monday! If you show up, we'll put you on a team! Let us know ahead of time here, though, if you plan on attending! It'll help us know what to expect! Caravan Raid rules - Build two teams of players, as close to even as possible. - The guarding team wins by getting their package from the starting point to the destination. - The raiding team wins by eliminating the guarding team or otherwise preventing the package from reaching its destination. - The package *may* change hands. Whoever is carrying the package is considered the courier.- The courier *must* take the path designated. If that path involves a road for example, they may walk through the woods but they must keep the road in sight while traveling. This rule does not apply inside of cities or villages, and does not mean the player isn't allowed to use concealment. Raiders and other guards can go anywhere. - While we will try to allow everyone to pick their teams, we *may* juggle people around in order to balance numbers. Trading posts on temporary hiatus. Come join us on a Caravan Raid! Looking to trade in a safe environment or just meet some players who won't try to kill you on sight? Come to the next Burnaya River Trading Company outpost! Please make sure to read our Trader's Guide and the relevant Location Guide (also summarized below) for your own personal safety!If you want to join us come to our teamspeak at ahead of time to be added to the white list and again around trade time for the server info!Please keep in mind that the US and UK are now in Daylight Savings Time! This means that while EST is once again GMT -5, your own conversion may have changed depending on your country! Please check this when determining times!Join our Steam Group for announcements!Want to see a preview of what our trading posts are like? Check out these videos below and more in our archive. Edited July 13, 2015 by albinoclock 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 14, 2015 (edited) Trading Post Guidelines1. Be prepared to be searched. All clothing must be put on the ground simultaneously so that it can be thoroughly inspected without the possibility of shuffling prohibited items.2. Do not bring explosives. Any grenades or flashbangs found on your person will be confiscated. They will not be given back.3. Do not ghost into the complex unless instructed to do so.4. Cooperate with guards at all times.5. Be aware of restricted areas for each location and do not enter them.6. Approach from the designated path. Nearby woods are almost always off limits, anyone found wandering in them may be shot. See Location Specific Guidelines for details.7. When leaving, use the designated path or log out inside the trading area. If you’re coming back in, please move back to the designated path on another server. You will be searched again.8. Traders are not allowed to brandish weapons inside of the trading post. If you’re dual-carrying the guards will stash one of your weapons for you.9. If at any time you pull out a firearm inside the trading post you will be immediately shot.10. If someone dies, stay away from their body unless that person has informed the guards that you are to take their stuff. This includes bodies outside if we are using an indoor trading area.11. If possible, be in Teamspeak and have the same name there as in-game so that we can easily verify your identity. This will make it easier for us to distinguish you from attackers. We will also be able to inform you whether or not it's safe to log in after a reset or a temporary shutdown.12. Do not ask questions like “how many guards are there?” “how many snipers do you have?” etc. This will cause us to assume you’re a hostile collecting intel.13. Do not steal from other traders.14. If people are farming, please do not prematurely pull up their crops.15. If possible, please bring extra food and water. With so many people in one place, somebody’s bound to be hungry. This one’s obviously not mandatory.16. Water and supply runs on full trading servers can be dangerous. Travel at your own risk! Edited April 6, 2015 by albinoclock 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 19, 2015 (edited) Location Specific Guidelines(Check back for new locations!)Devil’s Castle 1. Approach and depart via the road. If you must position yourself on another server in order to do this safely, please do so.2. The woods are off-limits. Anyone seen in the woods will be immediately shot.3. Do not climb the wooden stairs or enter the tower. Anyone attempting to enter the tower will be shot.4. Please stay in the trading area (the raised middle section primarily, using the little dipped down stony ground area if you need to get away from the chatter for an individual trade) and do not wander between structures and the outer wall.Elektro Industrial 1. Approach and depart via the train tracks.2. The nearby woods and hill are off limits, as are the docks.3.Please proceed directly to the trading area and remain there until you intend to leave. Do not open the doors unless you are leaving, and then close them right away.Green Mountain 1. Approach and depart via the road.2. The woods are off-limits. Anyone seen in the woods will be immediately shot.3. Do not enter the jail or the tower or go behind the buildings in the complex. Remain in the trading area unless directed to another location by the guards.4. Standing directly in front of the jail doors renders you vulnerable to sniper fire. Stand here at your own risk.Gorka 1. Approach from the road.2. Do not approach or enter the police station.3. Surrounding woods are off limits.4. Do not enter buildings in the complex unless you are instructed to. Polana Factory 1. Do not enter the sheds, staircase, or the upper floors of the construction site. 2. Please approach from the road or ghost in along the inner wall next to the gate. 3. Nearby woods and hills are off limits. Anyone seen in the woods or hiding in the hills will be shot. Proceed directly to the trading area.Prison Island 1. While you are welcome to log in anywhere on the island, we recommend you log in under the archways in the middle yard as depicted here. If you choose to approach on foot, please proceed from the road directly to the middle yard via the main interior hall.2. The cellblocks of the main prison building are off limits, as are the other buildings in the complex. Only enter buildings you’ve been instructed to enter.3. Do not wander between buildings and walls or around the outside of the prison yard wall.4. Bring water with you if you need it. There is no reliable source of water on the island.Solnichny Warehouse 1. Do not ghost into the warehouse.2. Do not enter the tin barn next door or climb the factory building across the street.3. Do not unlock any locked doors. Edited April 9, 2015 by albinoclock 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 19, 2015 (edited) Getting InvolvedOur trading posts are open to the public, but what about people who want to become more closely involved? Fortunately there are a number of ways you can help us beyond showing up to trade!In-House SecurityIf you're 21+, able to follow orders, and can maintain clear and effective communication you may be a good fit for our core group of in-house guards. Guards have access to our armory for operations.If you want to be a guard there's no big application process, just drop by, read our guard handbook, and hang out and play Day Z with us. If you seem like a good fit we'll give you a chance to guard. If you're having trouble meeting up with us on ts send me a message here or email me at [email protected] . Clans and Gaming Communities Are you part of a clan or other group that might want to get involved in protecting our trading posts? Have a representative get in touch with us! Mercenaries are expected to read our guide, follow our rules, wear our uniform, use our comms, and must be integrated into our chain of command. Insubordination is no more acceptable from clan affiliate guards than from our own people.Friendly Server AdminsDo you operate a server of your own? Having multiple servers where we have admin allows us to choose servers less predictably while still being able to set high ping limits, protect ourselves from hackers, keep persistence up, and ensure that servers don't hang indefinitely while gear rots on the ground.We also are looking for admins willing to advertise our events in their MOtD.If either of these sound like something you might be interested in, feel free to contact me here or at [email protected].Streamers / YoutubersHowever many or few followers you may have, the more videos circulating that show what it is we offer the more people will want to come to these events. Plus, we love to watch these things from other perspectives! Please share your experiences!Post-Attack DiscussionDid you just attack the trading post with your friends? Let's talk about it! We can all learn a lot from a worthy opponent and it promotes good sportsmanship! Drop by our ts later and let us know what you think of our security! Edited March 19, 2015 by albinoclock 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 19, 2015 (edited) Attacking the Trading Post and the Blacklist We at the Burnaya River Trading Company make an effort to be good sports about PvP and death in general in Day Z. It's a trait we look for in new recruits and something we try to hold to ourselves. That said, our primary goal every Saturday is to protect traders. For that reason, we're going to be putting in a few regulations related to attacking. Players who have a known history of violating these regulations will be blacklisted from BR events. Blacklisted players are immediately shot upon identification. If you are trading and you wish to attack the trading post, leave first then assault us from the outside. Kill only guards and other attackers. Do not attack traders. This includes throwing grenades into trading or searching areas. Do not attempt to disguise yourself as BR personnel.If you suspect that you've been added to our blacklist and wish to appeal the decision, send an email to [email protected]. Edited April 12, 2015 by albinoclock Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 21, 2015 (edited) The white list is not currently in use! Open to the public! Edited June 27, 2015 by albinoclock 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 24, 2015 Updated with this weekend's info. Also, our new site is up! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CornProducts 315 Posted March 24, 2015 These are some solid rules. How long have you played Dayz, mod and SA? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 24, 2015 I've been playing SA since I think about March. I've got 1500 some odd hours between my accounts. I've barely played the mod at all. I got into SA first. We've been doing the trading posts since October. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xalienax 621 Posted March 25, 2015 i would think you guys would have a lot of problems with trolls trying to crash your party.. not even including legitimate attempts on the loot my actual bandits.. or have i just become way more cynical of the playerbase then is warrented? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 25, 2015 It's certainly been something we've dealt with from time to time. People with scripts causing us trouble or people with no lives stirring up drama and trying to make organizing this stuff more trouble than its worth. People have logged into my ts with my parents' names and whispered me stuff that's probably from my Facebook. Others have stirred up drama in communities we've been involved in. Hell, there are a couple well known traders on this forum who attacked the trading post and publicly lied about it to make us look bad.You're definitely not mistaken that a lot of people who see something that's taken effort just want to knock that thing over, but the vast majority of people are supportive and an absolute pleasure to interact with. I've met hundreds of awesome people doing this and really only a handful of assholes. People give us guff but I'm an old hand at this internet crap and I'm not about to give up on something I think is worthwhile because of the ever present trolls and drama that come with the territory. 9 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
xalienax 621 Posted March 25, 2015 It's certainly been something we've dealt with from time to time. People with scripts causing us trouble or people with no lives stirring up drama and trying to make organizing this stuff more trouble than its worth. People have logged into my ts with my parents' names and whispered me stuff that's probably from my Facebook. Others have stirred up drama in communities we've been involved in. Hell, there are a couple well known traders on this forum who attacked the trading post and publicly lied about it to make us look bad.You're definitely not mistaken that a lot of people who see something that's taken effort just want to knock that thing over, but the vast majority of people are supportive and an absolute pleasure to interact with. I've met hundreds of awesome people doing this and really only a handful of assholes.People give us guff but I'm an old hand at this internet crap and I'm not about to give up on something I think is worthwhile because of the ever present trolls and drama that come with the territory.+1 mate. i can definitely respect that. tis a shame that theres always those few bad seeds who have to try to ruin a good thing. I can even understand actual bandits hitting the trade post to try to steal goods thats just part of the game, but blatant griefing and drama starting is where i just shake my head in disgust. from what i can see these look quite well organized tho... definately will consider checking out the next one :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 26, 2015 Awesome! I hope we'll see you there! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John-Russell 6 Posted March 27, 2015 Went to this a couple of weeks in a row! After that i decided to become a guard and have been so for 3 weeks :P Awesome trading posts! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 28, 2015 Trading post is tonight! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Berrett 11 Posted March 28, 2015 What uk time is it? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 28, 2015 10p GMT, though we sometimes start a bit late, so check TS or our site to make sure we're open. It's also a good idea to be in ts so you'll know what's going on during a reset. If you log back in before we establish a perimeter you might expose yourself to bandits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Berrett 11 Posted March 28, 2015 I am a noob and i dont know the timezones, can you tell me how many hours and minutes left? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
John-Russell 6 Posted March 28, 2015 1 Hour and 39 minutes left until the event starts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 29, 2015 We are still open! Come to for info! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 29, 2015 We are now closed for the evening! Thanks for coming! Join us next weekend at Solnichny warehouse again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Insane Ruffles 74 Posted March 29, 2015 We are now closed for the evening! Thanks for coming! Join us next weekend at Solnichny warehouse again!Hey, how strictly enforced are your age restrictions? I'm the leader of a clan called No Mercy Killers (NMK), and we have our own (very popular) A3 Wasteland server. We are a fairly new clan (the server has been running for a long time, though) and we are looking for ways to train our Spc's. We would be honored if you would let 1 or 2 of our Spc's train and act as guards for you every once and a while. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Berrett 11 Posted March 29, 2015 Was the event good? ;] 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
albinoclock 45 Posted March 29, 2015 We generally stick to our age limit for our own in-house guards, but if we've got other clans working as mercenaries we pretty much leave that part up to them. People need to be able to take orders and be integrated into our chain of command, but we'll also usually delegate secondary leadership of the outside group to the highest ranking member within their own system. Basically I'm not interested in training a bunch of teenagers and bringing them into my core group, but if somebody else can handle them (while still under my command) I'm fine with it as long as they're using the mic discipline, following orders, being nice to the traders, and not doing anything incredibly stupid. Was the event good? ;] We had a lot of fun! You guys should drop by this afternoon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Insane Ruffles 74 Posted March 29, 2015 We generally stick to our age limit for our own in-house guards, but if we've got other clans working as mercenaries we pretty much leave that part up to them. People need to be able to take orders and be integrated into our chain of command, but we'll also usually delegate secondary leadership of the outside group to the highest ranking member within their own system.Basically I'm not interested in training a bunch of teenagers and bringing them into my core group, but if somebody else can handle them (while still under my command) I'm fine with it as long as they're using the mic discipline, following orders, being nice to the traders, and not doing anything incredibly stupid.We had a lot of fun! You guys should drop by this afternoon!Oh, we aren't a bunch of teenagers, lol. The majority of us are >18. By training, I mean by experience. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites