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People Lagging and Ice Skating After 0.54

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I dunno why but after 0.54 everyone like lags and starts 'Skating' around the map. Like if I try to snipe someone with a mosin they teleport and It is hard to keep up with them. This also happens with zombies, I also have amazing internet so its isn't that. Anyone else having this issue? :( please fix this.

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yeah a lot of players i see are skating around with bugged animations like they're getting a weapon out. i assumed it was cheats since i've seen people cheating where the cheats look exactly like that.


that said it's probably just a bug

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I've always assumed that the skaters are hackers. Shoot as soon as possible!

Edited by IgnobleBasterd

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.54 has a ton of desync issues.  There's some really wonky stuff going on, like trucks straight up disappearing etc.  Desync for players is very bad too.  Had a few occasions where a player was prone but standing for other people etc.


These problems are a big deal imo because inconsistencies between what people are doing and others are experiencing just results in a terrible time for everyone.  Desync isn't anything new and I doubt it will ever fully go away, but this patch definitely was a step back in that regard.

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I'm holding out for it to die in Beta, whenever that rolls around...

but even Arma3 is a nasty little number at times, though leagues ahead of DayZ

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