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A couple of issues

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Played DayZ last night. Ran into a chap in Berezino (I think) who's legs were broken. I tried to use rags and a stick to make a splint for him, but nothing happened. Tried giving him the stick and rags but he couldn't make a splint either. In the end I offered to kill him, which was unfortunate.


A little later on I found a pig which I then killed. I tried skinning it with a hunting knife but, again, nothing happened. Viewing contents yielded nothing.


Obviously these are bugs, but I'm wondering if there are any ways to get around them? Should I have had room in my inventory to skin an animal? Should I have tried dragging sticks onto the rags, etc? I'm keen to give hunting a go. Made my first fireplace last night. 

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Not sure about the others, but I had the rags/sticks issue I found if I hold W whilst crafting them it will complete the action.  It works fine with bandages to sticks but for some reason the rags are touchy.

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maybe you were lagged out. was the server full? playing on a 40+pop is all very well but you may suffer performance issues and even die as a result of the number of players (not combat)



the large numbers of players sometimes causes actions to stay on "receiving" 


this means if you're using a shotgun, trying to eat, fill a bottle or making a splint you can't. it sometimes stops you during action, too.


i've seen people trying to reload after failing with 2 shotgun shells and only ruining clothes, and had the pleasure of shooting them in the face at my leisure because i didn't waste all my ammo. 

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Awesome, thanks very much.


The server (The WOBO one) was mostly full as it usually is. I was just playing on it a few minutes ago and managed to skin a cow with no problems. Not tried a splint yet, though. It possible that there's a problem with pigs, or just a one-off?

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"Spam press z" is what I hear a lot of people saying lately. Is that the same thing Steak and Potatoes is talking about and is there any science behind it?


One in the same only reversed, I've submitted my thesis to earn my aerospace engineering degree strictly on rag and stick theorems.

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