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HappyXceed (DayZ)

"Friendly" Players who KOS behind your back.

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Yesterday I met a french dude in Elektro. I gave him some food and a loaded flaregun since I didnt need it as I was agriculturing at the moment. That went to shit when the server restarted so i went into town. There I could hear him asking a guy not to kill him. I didnt seem to go to well as i met him again ten minutes later on the road to cherno. For some reason he wants me to have a fistfight with him. i refuse ofcourse so then he wants to come with me. Now, normally I would have let him but when he first wants to fight me and then says to follow me I think not. I run away instead and notice that hes following me at a distance. I leave some stuff along the way and dissapear. When i exit cherno I see him again for a moment. I then hear a mosin shot.

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I was playing DayZ about 10 minutes ago, and a little kid came up to me and said he was friendly. I had just spawned at the military base right above the Novo Town Hall, and I was decked, but I only had an ice axe as a weapon. He came up to me after he found a machete, and said. I want your stuff. He rushed me and I knocked his skull in. Have you ever been KOS'd or attempted KOS'd. If so, tell me the story, I am interested to hear or see(post video if you have footage) what has happened to you.

This is when somebody tried to KOS me


Edited by ScorePoint

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this behavior is so common you start to expect it, so many people are "friendly" until they have a way to kill you

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