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... Can't burn Ruined Logs..... ROTFL!

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... Can't burn Ruined Logs.....






Meow, lets look at this logic [yes I did say Now just Meow.]


You CAN'T burn ruined wood...



*thinks aloud, with a George Carlin voice*


Is it still a Wooden Log?.... It is STILL a Wooden Log...

Is it whole?.... Yup, it's still whole...

No additives?... No Additives...

But it can't burn?... it can't burn...

Huh... You stumped me, man!


(a ploy on his "Semi-Bone" stand up shtick.)


Hehehe, ok, seriously lets think of this logic. While I totally agree with Deans rational between the balance of Realism and Funfactor, the fact that Chopped Logs/Firewood cannot be Burned for a fire is pure comedy.



Edited by seniorshred

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