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Few more or less viable ideas

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Exploding gas stoves

One thing i'd like to see in dayz is gas stoves exploding if you shoot them while they are turned on. Imagine putting one in the middle of Elektro, lighting it on fire, hiding in a bush with mosin and then exploding it when someone is close enough to get their face burnt.


Emptying fire extinguisher

Either by shooting it to cause a leak, or using it as fire extinguishers are used. This would allow creating white clouds and you could vanish like a batman in the night.



Why can't you wield two pistols simultaneously? This would make them more desired weapons. If you could merge two pistols to be one item, wielding them wouldn't require huge changes to the current weapon wielding system.


Endgame sniper rifle

One gun. The ultimate "youwonthegame" weapon. Something like Barrett M82 or or any other gun using .50 BMG 12.7×99mm NATO ammo. It would be most rare thing in the game, but could spawn in every military area, helicrash site or prison so it wouldn't cause severe server hopping in one particular place.





I'm sure i've had more things in my mind earlier but i never wrote them down..

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you could have probably used any word other than Akimbo and gotten positive response



yeah because AS50s worked out well in the mod. duper paradise 1hk loot? no pls 

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Many full rifle caliber guns should be 1hk, 


While duel wielding weapons should... maybe be possible, it shouldn't be effective. 


I can definitely see myself dual wielding smaller melee weapons though. Melee is like an extension of the body, When you shoot you are like an extension of the gun, being extension of two guns is not a good idea.


Maybe if target is close and you are strong enough to easily account for recoil single handedly you could have two pistols and fire one empty and then use the other while reloading the first essentially giving you great close range suppressive fire. 


That is my opinion on dual wielding. We should not restrict the players options, but for f*ck sake the devs better start making the game behave more realistically. I bought into this for the ultimate zombie apocalypse survival simulator, not the arcadey FPS survive a bullet to your unprotected chest and be fully healthy after bandaging and cramming some beans down your neck.

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gas stoves: yeah. like the idea of IED's and blowing them up from range.

fire extinguishers:maybe, but not for a while

Dual weilding: not really but that is just me.

Large caliber rifles: i use a b95. that is large caliber enough for me. but if a large caliber rifle is put in game, it had better be so insanely rare, that its actually a myth. im talking just finding a singe round is an achievement. cos nothing is more fun than being taken out from 2 kilometers away.


dat is my 2 cents...

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Using the enviroment to your advantage with improvised traps such as the gas stove and fire extinguisher sounds quite interesting, i.e. shooting on one to create a diversion or a smoke screen, or using a gas stove as a grenade.


Not sure about dual wielding though, it's pretty hard even with just one firearm, though, I wouldn't mind seeing dual wielding say, a flashlight/FNX or a flare/magnum.


M82 I wouldn't mind having implemented, either, you can already take shots a kilometer away with the Mosin. The M82 is also a Anti-material rifle, so imagine it more as a mobile AA-Cannon or as a way to stop trucks dead in their tracks. It'd be pretty silly to take out players with it, I can only imagine you'd ruin more or less everything they're carrying, and not to mention the report.

Edited by Santa fox

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Gas stove idea is a must imo, as for the fire extinguishers! Would give a lot of depth to the game i believe, as it creates many opportunities to use.

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I would like to see one or two anti material rifles but I want Russian ones. Like ksvk or ovs 96, the ammo is very rare and this rifle can spawn damaged and the scope will become damaged to. A new ammo type will have to come in but this round is pure Russian and chambered for some widely used guns like the dshkm.

Edited by DaNic2553

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