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Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

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Me and a buddy met one of your patrols this morning in Elektro.

We'd like to offer our sincerest apologies for popping the pointman and legging it when they followed us into the school.

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Id like to join CQF. Im a newcomer (Just bought ARMA II yesterday) but i do know the basics. I figured i mind as well get to know the game better with a group of mates. I live in the Central States. If you need anymore info, just reply or add me on steam (Reliquent)

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Id like to join CQF. Im a newcomer (Just bought ARMA II yesterday) but i do know the basics. I figured i mind as well get to know the game better with a group of mates. I live in the Central States. If you need anymore info, just reply or add me on steam (Reliquent)

Go to our website at www.thefirstcav.com and make an application. Once you have done that then hop on our teamspeak server. You can get the TS info on the Comm Center Tab.

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I really wasnt sure where to put this so ill put it here. I submitted an application, but my mic just broke yesterday. Im ordering a new one. And ive noticed that you have to join Teamspeak to be accepted, i mean i could do that but i could not talk at all....

EDIT: I fixed my mic with duct tape. Its holding together. What would we do without duct tape? Ill hop on TS when i get a chance.

Edited by Reliquent

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I really wasnt sure where to put this so ill put it here. I submitted an application, but my mic just broke yesterday. Im ordering a new one. And ive noticed that you have to join Teamspeak to be accepted, i mean i could do that but i could not talk at all....

EDIT: I fixed my mic with duct tape. Its holding together. What would we do without duct tape? Ill hop on TS when i get a chance.

Lol, you could just listen in some how if at least. Hop on and we'll get you to you as soon as we can.

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Hi, So I've been waiting around for a while on Teamspeak and I've even tried to talk to a few admins but I haven't gotten an answer yet. I guess they're just busy but if you guys still need people to join then I'd be more than willing to.

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Alright just what the fuck. A member of your clan named RCT SteveD snuk up on me and my buddy and shot at us. I thought you were supposed to be friendly and we didn't even fire at him. I was forced to kill him after he shot and killed my friend.

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Alright just what the fuck. A member of your clan named RCT SteveD snuk up on me and my buddy and shot at us. I thought you were supposed to be friendly and we didn't even fire at him. I was forced to kill him after he shot and killed my friend.

We are. Could you come onto teamspeak so you can tell me what exactly happen there?

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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

I would like to report on the status of the motherland's most successful diplomatic incursion unit ever. We have been trekking though the lands of chernarussia for weeks and have achieved many of our goals. We have established control over many small areas up north, rescued or assisted many survivors and travelled the lands to create the largest dayz survivor group out there. I have provisioned extra vodka rations to the troops for their monumental victory.

The Kremlin has stated that it still wishes that we gather survivors to assist in the fight. So if you see us, hold you fire and have a shot of vodka with us.


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Here are updated recruitment requirements:


-Be at least 17 years old

-Have a microphone or intend on getting one within 2 weeks of acceptance

-Have Teamspeak 3 downloaded (either before being accepted)


-Have spent at least 1 week in teamspeak

-Understanding of the General Orders

-When you are on, we expect you to be on Teamspeak

-Have the sponsorship of at least 1 member above the rank of Recruit

-Be ready to have fun!!!!!

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Hello, I play on EU2 every day! Sadly, I disconnected while in my boat and lost all my stuff. I had to restart, because I started dying of thirst and starvation.

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I just wanted to thank you guys for the Ural on US196 this evening. Was kinda surprised to almost run face first into it, but I'm somewhat bewildered as to why a whole bunch of you logged off in your camp when I threw three grenades in the middle of your tents.

I then went on a Benny Hill chase in a huge 2-3km loop around your camp, before finally having the chance to nail the Ural driver and steal it.

Good fight Kearo Nasanam, you stayed until the bitter end. I haven't had an adrenaline rush like that since way back early in my EVE days.

Edited by Izmak
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Logging off is their best defense...

Good thing I raided those camps before they were destroyed, got some NVGs, Ghillie Suit, Range Finder, AS50, L85... antibiotics, and other supplies.

I've noticed a lot of CQF are even scared to wear their own tags these days, what kind of 2 bit operation are you running here? ;)

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Might join in with you guys soon, I've had more then my fill of running around solo like a fool grabbing up some good gear then finally deciding to head back to town to end up as bandit target practice without firing a single shot.

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Just made PVT after much, much longer than previously stated and a lot more leg-work than some. I'm constantly providing players with high-end gear for minor-ops (no recognition), gone out of my way to provide medical assistance for players downed on random servers (no recognition), worn tags and helped newbies from the beach (trying to salvage the clan's name) all of this I've done without complaint until now.

All I'm getting back is a vastly depleted inventory and an overall sense of 'meh'...

Firstly, could I suggest that you guys close applications for new members for a while, just to organise the clusterf**k I've sat and watched since joining?

Being the 'largest' isn't necessarily a good thing when sixteen RCTs get wiped out by two vaguely organised bandits at the NWA (I have observed this happening there amongst other places) with no ranked members to advise on rules of engagement.

Taking in new players who actively DC, because they don't know any better, screws over those of us who have been playing for months and can handle a couple of average snipers; this also gives this clan a terrible name amongst the community, has (as you guys know) made us a target for regular, consistent hacks AND makes wearing CQF tags the equivalent of a neon sign flashing 'EASY KILL'.

Also, are there any NCOs on EU time? Having bodies on a server is a benefit of being in clan, but not so much when you're all in the US and running in high-ranked cliques (this happens!) and you're left on your own with five or six people who literally crap themselves when a single player joins a server without CQF tags and proceed to hide in corner offering no fire support or cover if we have to engage.

While the organisational structure (in theory) could function, I am essentially running with a team of my friends that I had before running with this clan. Our NCO is never online/in-game when we are, neither are any high-ranked members, yet we've received a slap on the wrist because we're running as our own team on the interim. I would apologise for this, but I prefer my chances with a structured group, with specific roles that I completely trust.

1) A recent trip to the NWA, looting with CQF members resulted in me getting grenaded almost to death by people trying to blow up the barracks with frags - This is ridiculous, again I would choose running with my friends over chaos and stupidity

2) A few weeks ago I was excitedly pulled into a 'Major Op' which was...to blow up the hotel in Cherno with satchel charges... One player took out five or six member of CQF (with an Enfield) during this farce on a server filled with members all at Cherno. - Again, ridiculous.

The next few weeks will decide whether this initially great idea is going nowhere for me. At this point, I'm seriously considering leaving...

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Doctor why havent you pulled the bell earlier with a nco or anyone? SGT phon (portugal) and me ,PVT maffo are on most of the eu time and we are always there to provide a hearing ear and helping hand. If you see people DC or anything you dont like , report it,we are strict in that stuff. Still is working his pants off trying to get the lack of nco's fixed and he made the recruitment process stricter yesterday .

I think most people would appreciate it if you vent your troubles earlier and on our first cav forum :). Get on ts and we will have a chat.

Edited by ImaffoI

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Dunno, What I can say is I monitored and you guys were going from Lobby to Playing an awful lot. Fishy fishy

Is this really the company line? Somebody found us, somebody shot at us - this can't be right, they must be hackers? There must be something suspicious going on? Please do present your evidence, in the form of video footage (I mean, if this happens whenever we're on the server with you guys, surely somebody frapses it?)

If I wanted to raise questions, I'd ask where the two guys went who shot Timberfox some 8-10km away from your camp, and then disappeared in front of the rest of my squad in the middle of an open field (the only guys on the server at the time were our Squad + CQF +1 Random). Or I'd ask why almost the entire CQF Playerlist Alt-F4'd as soon as 'shit got real'. I mean, Rocket's said that disconnecting in combat is an exploit?

I won't accuse you guys of either of those things though, despite the ongoing insinuations that 'we ghost' or 'we hack' or 'something fishy is going on'.

Please, just stop with this constant belief that you guys can only get found or killed by hackers. You guys would be so much better if you stopped with the paranoia theories.

I have the entire thing frapsed which I'll release in a 2-part series at some point in the next week. Part 1 covers finding your tent camp the evening before, and Part 2 covers logging into US196 last night and the events that ensued afterwards.

The day before all this went down, I'd found your tent camp locations on one of your other servers. I'm not sure if you guys noticed the huge pile of L85s, AS50s or M107s that were missing from your tents - in the exact same location, on US21. Have fraps of all that too. I can't say I've ever found a stockpile quite as large as the one that we blew up, and of so many rare high-end guns - but I'll refrain from any accusations here.

As soon as the Grenades hit (and there were only 3) almost the entire memberbase of CQF who were connected Alt-F4'd. We too, had a player watching the player list. It allowed me (one sole individual) to quickly make up my mind as to whether to kill the very few people who I suspected were still logged on at the camp, or to go on a 2-3km Benny Hill Chase of your Ural - who ultimately ended up just doing a circle of the camp and then going back anyway (I don't know man, on a list of tactical 'oopsies' leaving the camp with a huge vehicle in order to protect your logistical assets was a really good idea. Going back after doing a 2-3km tour around your camp however, not so much).

My 'guys' were over 8km away when all this went down. They were over by Gorka, because they thought your squad and the Ural were near Berezino - so that's where they were heading.

Edited by Izmak
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Dunno, What I can say is I monitored and you guys were going from Lobby to Playing an awful lot. Fishy fishy

you don't even know my player name... lol...

but of course, the "great" CQF would never get outplayed, only hackers and ghosters!

as someone who's "part of your clan", i've witnessed first hand the kind of players that make up the bulk of your force; mostly cowards and whiners. throwing accusations of hacks to every single instance of their death, DCing at the first signs of trouble, and talking about all these grand plans on the forums, but never acting on them. Actions speak louder than words.

It's a shame really, there are a few (very few) decent players among the CQF only to get overshadowed by the childish behavior of the players that make up the bulk of this clan.

As for your stricter policy, good on you guys, you really need it... I'd go as far as closing recruitment until you can deal with the internal problems that face you already.

Edited by HunterofHunters

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I just wanted to thank you guys for the Ural on US196 this evening. Was kinda surprised to almost run face first into it, but I'm somewhat bewildered as to why a whole bunch of you logged off in your camp when I threw three grenades in the middle of your tents.

I then went on a Benny Hill chase in a huge 2-3km loop around your camp, before finally having the chance to nail the Ural driver and steal it.

Good fight Kearo Nasanam, you stayed until the bitter end. I haven't had an adrenaline rush like that since way back early in my EVE days.

Hey IzmaK,

We dont acuse you of being a hacker nor your friends,(as you kind of stated in a later post) it was just a spur of the moment , a few seconds before the grenades went off we had a CQF member enter our channel and tell us how our server may have hackers on as there was one particular who's name had come up again and again, so the grenades sorta caught us off guard i am sure we all would have fought if this member had not alerted us, we had also found the URAL with a hacked gun in it and were therefor more on edge than we would have been. We were also very shocked how sombody managed to find us, as we were hidden in the forest in pretty much the middle of nowhere.

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No, no hacking. We are not saying you were hacking. Mole. That's it. And if you do know of a mole, he most certainly heard about the camp last night. It was literally being broadcasted across channels. And seeing as huntersofhunters is either a mole or sending out disinformation to make things like this very aggravating.

Regardless, good job finding us. We just find it unlikely that you "happened to find" the camp site. But then again, you never actually took anything from our camps. We have no record of that happening. Our gear is still there. The vehicle is gone, but everything is still there.

Everyone get's outplayed. The people that disconnected believed it was a hacker. That's the bottom line. Very rarely do 3 explosions happen at the same time, which is why it was very coordinated. It's not like CQF has more guns than they can handle.

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Regardless, good job finding us. We just find it unlikely that you "happened to find" the camp site. But then again, you never actually took anything from our camps. We have no record of that happening. Our gear is still there. The vehicle is gone, but everything is still there.

I'm not going to dispute the rest of your post (the reason will become evident at a later time), however as you'll see from the last 5-7 minutes of my Part 1 Ongoing Operations video (http://www.youtube.c...er/phoenusfilms), a large quantity of military-grade weapons were successfully left on the ground in irretrievable positions around your camp (and we had eyes on the camp until the server restart).

Edited by Izmak

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