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Two people one same network cannot join same private shard at same time?

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A couple of friends of mine are unable to connect to our private shard whilst sharing a network. When the second player tries to join, they are greeted with a confirmation of changes error. The shard is whitelisted(both are listed), but we have tried with whitelisting on and off. They are able to join other private shards together. Firewalls disabled, local connections, reset router, tried different ports. Shard is hosed by Fragnet. Anyone have experience with this issue?

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Are you using two different copies of the game? This used to happen to me on dayZ mod when I tried LAN with 2 versions

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Are you using two different copies of the game? This used to happen to me on dayZ mod when I tried LAN with 2 versions

Yes sir.

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I get this issue from time to time on public servers as well. I play with friends of mine at their houses all the time, and occasionally that's an issue. When it does become an issue, it seems to be all servers... not just one specifically (or we would just join a different one). The first person can always get in just fine, but never more than that one person; if that person disconnects, the other one is able to join immediately without issue.

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I get this issue from time to time on public servers as well. I play with friends of mine at their houses all the time, and occasionally that's an issue. When it does become an issue, it seems to be all servers... not just one specifically (or we would just join a different one). The first person can always get in just fine, but never more than that one person; if that person disconnects, the other one is able to join immediately without issue.

This is so strange. They have tried multiple other servers, private and public, and all work. It is only the one server they want to play. Go figure. 

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This is so strange. They have tried multiple other servers, private and public, and all work. It is only the one server they want to play. Go figure. 

Yeah, that's even weirder. In your case, it sounds like a host issue (Fragnet).

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Solved. One had to use -port=27010 in the launch options. Doesn't have to be 20710, just a different port from the other person. I think it may have something to do with BattleEye not allowing custom network cfgs.

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Unless both of your PCs have public IP addresses, then the server sees the same IP (your router, or cable/DSL modem's public address) for both computers on your network. Your router does NAT (network address translation) so that multiple machines can share a single public address. With this in mind, it's easy to see why the server would be confused that an IP that is already logged in, is sending additional requests to log in (again). Only your router knows what is going on inside of your LAN and that there are actually two sepertate PCs.


With the introduction of IPV6, it is envisioned that there will be enough addresses available, so that every device will be able to have it's own, unique public address. This will make Band-Aids like NAT unneccessary, unless you are tryig to obfiscutate what is going on , inside of your own, private LAN.

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can confirm Landcasters last post, happened to me aswell. adding another port to the launch options (i used -port=25007) solved the issue and we were both able to connect.

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