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An Idea that will make this game much more realistic and tactical

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I think poop would work well as a loot item. You drop it on the ground and someone can come and pick it up via the Gear menu. Perhaps it could be a throwable item as well as fuel for a fireplace. The implications of poop as an item extend to other possibilities as well, such as secretly filling your buddy's backpack with your excrement or even leaving feces in a fresh corpse for other scavenging survivors to happen upon.

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Do you get a poop icon ?

And if it flashes red do you shit yourself ?

Do we then get a nose icon that indicates you now smell of shit ?

Do we get a wipe action ?

Can we collect rolls of paper from toilets now ?

If we run out of paper can we use rabbits to wipe ?

Can we use the toilets in the game now then ?

Is this a shit thread ? ;)

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Bandits will start leaving turds in "tactical" places to grief us even more.Top of ladders' date='staircases and most likely littered all over open fields so when your crawling to avoid being seen you will have to zig zag?


I think you would then have to implement slipping on turd, that would provide yet another way of breaking your legs.

10^6 stars to this idea.

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What about putting our shit in empty cans or diarrhea into whiskey bottles and throwing them at people or shitting in the middle of cherno to attact flies?

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What about putting our shit in empty cans or diarrhea into whiskey bottles and throwing them at people or shitting in the middle of cherno to attact flies?

:D another way to throw infected aggro onto the noobs;)

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I want to poop in DayZ.

Just think about how that could spice up bandit kills.

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This is such a shitty suggestion. I want to be able to take a dump on snipers camping the tents in Stary, see how long it takes them to notice.

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LOL. Would be funny if the sniper was camping in a ditch, and you keep eating beans and diarreahing until you make a pool and he drowns in your diarreah :huh:

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This can not be a serious suggestion. When I start having to shit and piss in a game I am moving on.

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