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To keep it short, I'm looking for people to play with. Server doesn't matter.

You can reach me on Steam ID: chrismgtis

I've been soloing and would like to play with others just to have someone else to play with and to watch each others back.

So far I've been very successful at stalking players and getting the drop on them. Even with a good bit of experience in Arma 2, I've had a lot of issues actually killing players. Why? Bugs. For example the shooting while prone bug causing the bullet to hit the ground or putting a full clip in a player at point blank and not phasing him, etc.

I seem to have pretty horrid luck actually getting the kill even when I always get the drop on the other person and they don't know I'm there. So a second person would help to alleviate that issue. :)

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Why don't you add me on Skype, i'm sure we'd have a great time :D

This goes to everyone in the thread.

SkypeID: Cpteleon

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