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Invasion-DayZ: North American Vanilla Server

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Hey guys,
Yesterday we launched our new Dedicated server Invasion-Dayz, and already have a couple of players online. Our goal? To become one of the best vanilla server in North America. All are welcome: Bambies, casual players or experienced survivalists. We aim to return to a time of challenging/engaging gameplay, encouraging cooperation, and achieve a perfect balance between realism and fun. No starting loadouts(except tools), no 2938725 vehicules, no extra crashsites, no RP, no tags, no crosshairs, no flying buildings, no economy, no mercy, no nothing.

This is my first post on this board, but I've been reading since 2012, or since the time Mountain Dew was rare as ****. Been playing on and off for the past 3 years, with a hiatus in 2014. Last year, I decided to stop because all the servers became Epoch, Overpoch with custom content, RP and spawning with guns. IMO, this almost destroyed the mod that I love dearly. Then, obviously, the urge to play started again, and to my rejoicing, I realized that a lot of people shared my views and that vanilla was starting to be back in demand. I decided that I wanted to support the community in this direction and make my own server.
Some Q&As about the server:
-Do you do self-bloodbags?
-No. IMO, this option should never have existed in the first place.
-Are there nights?
-At the moment. no. This was for server testing purposes. This will be open to debate by the players.
-Some technical info about your server?
-Dedicated box located in Montreal, Canada, along with the best ping I've seen. Open 24/7, 6 hour restarts with warnings.
-Is your server related to Invasion1944?
-No. I chose that name because otherwise it would have took me 1 week to find a name for the server. It's short, it's catchy, it's straight to the point, and nobody plays invasion1944 anyway.
-Is it side-chat friendly?
-Yes. This decision was taken to allow players to engage as a group and make our community grow. We also have a dedicated TS if you don't want to use it: ts.invasion-dayz.com
TLDR, you can skip here:
Vanilla server mod 2302
or search for "invasion" in the steam multiplayer menu
Teamspeak: ts.invasion-dayz.com.
Our admins are experienced and willing to help. I hope to see you online soon!
Edited by Aidsplosion
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So I've just realized that I've announced the 1.8.3 server, 1 hour after the new version 1.8.4 went up.  :lol:

Edited by Aidsplosion

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Server updated to!

After only a week, we have peak hours of 25 people and went into the top500 servers on Gametracker. This is a great start and I'm very proud of this success. Hope you guys join us too.

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Server's not gonna get played by itself  :D


We're starting to have a lot of committed and serious players. Militias are being created. Drop by and have a look.

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This server is awesome! Great people and admins. Love playing on this server, its my first choice now


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Hey Thanks Sean!


We are running version, and implemented a test server yesterday to try out new features.



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I like the server first time playing dayz in a while probably the only server il be playing on i love it  :) 

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Many thanks, River :)


FYI: we are now displayed on DayZLauncher. It seems that since we we're running on DayCC, the launcher had trouble displaying our server. They fixed it an hour ago.

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To quote the recruitment rules, this section is not to be used for ex clan members or anyone else to post their dislike of a certain clan; doing so will result in action being taken. If a clan is breaking the forum rules, please report them to us. This applies to servers as well. If you have an issue, please PM the owner/user(s) involved.

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Update: We are now in the top 300 Gametracker servers, at #291. This is a great success, after 2 months of existence.


Next stop: Top 200!

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