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Addon 'sauerland' requires addon 'Chernarus *HELP :(*

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So... When i start up Arma 2 DayZ it says  Addon 'sauerland' requires addon 'Chernarus and i have downloaded it epoch mod from Dayz Commander. sad.png

I can't play on any Chernarus map and it's the only one i want to play on! sad.png

So if you sweet guys got an answer for this, i'll be more than happy to hear from u!



///Something wrent wrong on the first sentence, mark over it to see it xD///


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Hello and welcome to the Forum, please make yourself familiar with the layout of the Forum before posting.


You have posted in the Standalone-section, which is on no way related to this to begin with. But not only that, but we're also not related to anything other than DayZ Mod or DayZ Standalone as is. Which is why we can't offer you support.


Maybe try on a Forum that is related to your issue at hand?


In the meantime: Moved.

Edited by kichilron

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