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Running up stairs or down trick.

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Here is a little trick to save you from quick death or ruining those nice shoes, or pants.


DO not run up or down the stairs with an item in your hand. I have experimented with it several times and the chances of you breaking your legs, or ruining your items for just simply walking up the stairs or down is very high.


Finally tonight I proved it as a fresh spawn. I saw a black flicker going down the stairs in the firehouse. I didn't think anything of it until I realized Darnit, I had my axe out and now my shoes (pristine) are now ruined, and holly crap my pants (pristine) are now ruined.


no desync, it was running very nice with 26 ping and 0 desync at the time.



So I recommend if you run up the stairs or down, especially the firehouse to keep items put away and center yourself on the stairs so you don't break a leg. It has worked for me since .51 issues.


I know there isn't much of a chance fighting on stairs without items in your hands but if your not in combat I would recommend keeping them put away while searching the areas.


I usually also aim for the wall hit it, and then turn around slowly so I don't killing myself.


Hasn't happened since .51 till tonight fyi, because I forgot to put the axe away.


Hope this helps others, and btw Break a leg!

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Good advice, tried it out this morning as instructed and it worked like a charm. Beans to you for making stairs a bit less scary

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