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Sniper spawing

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[attachment=1663]Assuming tis guy is cheating.

He's called dedsemen (???yuck!) and he spawned nearby me with full ghille suit, sniper gear on the coast while I was looking for noobs to help.

Not sure, but would his tag really read (sniper) and not (survivor)? Anyway, he took one shot at a noob then disappeared. I assume he was also server-hopping.

What a hero.

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When you are wearing ghillie suit, your name will always be indicated as "Sniper". Everything except server-hopping seems legit.

Regarding his nickname: maybe he just doesn't know what it sounds like in English, lol (it's most likely russian, and in russian it will be "old man Semyon/Simon")

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not to mention he probably spawned in the coast because he hasnt been on since the last time they reset everyone back to the coast, as for the server hopping hwe was probably scared shitless when he realized OH NOES IM GONA LOOSE MY GEAR DC!!!

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