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vehicles not spawning anymore?

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i host seattle 34 and about a week ago now, we had a camp set up with 6 vehicles. 2 cars, a ural, a motorcycle(my baby), a military offroad and an atv we had just found. i think it had been saturday or sunday, we had been in talks of moving our camp to be less conspicuous and had successfully moved four of them to two of the new camps(we were keeping them separated so less chance of people finding them and what not). this was just after the hive was getting hit hard by the possible ddos attack.

the next day i restarted the server as usual in the morning to get the time synched up and clear out corpses and what not. two of the guys who had been at one of the new camps found that all of the vehicles that were there were gone. i logged in at the old camp to see if they had reverted which they hadn't. we ran the driving routes to check there because during the ddos attacks we had been traveling by vehicles and when we came back everytime, they were 2-300m away where the servers had last saved their positions. there wasn't anything.

we checked all the major spawns that afternoon where they always had been previously with nothing. not a single car had been spawned anywhere. a few days later is when we find out there was an aussie kid who had been scripting on our server(we had played with him like 2 weeks before, decided we didnt really like him and hadn't heard from him since really, also time zones never really ran into him otherwise). so we set up a sting op and he comes rolling in on an invisible car, what he said was a hilux. he was floating above the ground in a seated position so we can only assume he was telling the truth, but he said he had been doing it for a few days now.

the timing works out, is there any possibility of his scripting causing issues with vehicle spawns? he has obviously been banned and we submitted the cheat report that day after we killed him and banned him from the server. if its not him could it be something else? i found a uaz like 2 days ago and we have seen boats, but no bicycles and we havent even heard another vehicle or seen one spawn in the days since.

the sheer fact that our vehicles had been spread out over a few kilometers makes me feel like they couldnt have been stolen and no one inside our group would have betrayed us, were all friends irl. so my question is, has anyone else had an issue with vehicle spawns? or this same issue and is there any fix?

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Also we checked all of the spawns that we know of and all of the ones we have heard of nearly every day since. We checked all of the little barns, lone houses in forests and fields, abandoned shacks, the small unmarked towns, and even taken extensive trips through empty forest and fields. Everything on the map has essentially been checked by our group and we have not been able to find anything except for a single Jeep and a single PBX anywhere.

Also, the Jeep was gone as well after another restart. We had hoped that the vehicles would reappear after a while thanks to the new patch where you need to drive them or they despawn, but we have had no such luck in finding them.

The restart that they were gone after was exactly one week after the patch came out where if you do not drive the vehicles they despawn. It was also, as mentioned, during all of that hive trouble where nearly every server was down. Could it have something to do with that new patch despite all of the vehicle being driven all day every day? Or with the hive trouble?

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So have any other admins been having trouble such as this? Does anyone have a possible fix? It is quite annoying to no longer have vehicles on the server after having them for so long. First nobody has helicopters anymore, now all vehicles are going. Walking is so terrible.

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I've been playing on a server that restarts every morning, I check most of the vehicle spawn points and have yet to find one, not even one needing repair so not sure if it's people on the server I play on hoarding vehicles or them just not spawning. It's strange to not find at least 1 to me anyways.

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Some servers simply do not have vehicles, but the problem here is that we have had them for weeks and all of them except for one land and one water vehicle just vanished. Not stolen, as I cannot see all of the hiding places being discovered kilometers apart in one night, but simply gone and never respawned.

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my server has none. im personally looking around all the spawns using this map www.dayzhq.com/map and i havent found a single one o.o

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lol, Yeah. I have not seen any on our brand new server either. Not even a bycicle.

Its kinda bumming me out. Do they have to be enabled or something?

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We don't seem to have any vehicles on our new server either. It's probably been up a good week or so and no luck whatsoever.

I did some reading on the forums and found two different answers, neither of which I'm sure are accurate.

The first response stated that you have to have a certain string in one of your RPT files. They gave an example, but they didn't give the specific codes needed.

The second response stated that the Day Z Mod Team spawns vehicles simultaneously on all servers in waves or cycles.

Can someone from the Day Z team please respond to this post and shed some light on the issue?



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We don't seem to have any vehicles on our new server either. It's probably been up a good week or so and no luck whatsoever.

I did some reading on the forums and found two different answers' date=' neither of which I'm sure are accurate.

The first response stated that you have to have a certain string in one of your RPT files. They gave an example, but they didn't give the specific codes needed.

The second response stated that the Day Z Mod Team spawns vehicles simultaneously on all servers in waves or cycles.

Can someone from the Day Z team please respond to this post and shed some light on the issue?




with my server i never had to enter a string into any of the files, they just spawned in. our issue came with all of them just disappearing and never spawning again.

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Yea we had vehicles as soon as the server was created originally. The problem came when they all vanished after a server crash/restart during the DDOSing like two weeks ago. Not the one yesterday.

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Id like to hear an official statement. Is this a bug? when are vehicles normally respawned back?

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I think there is more to it than a 7 day respawn. I havnt even seen any rotor assemblys lately.

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I think there is more to it than a 7 day respawn. I havnt even seen any rotor assemblys lately.

My server is just a few days old and I found a rotor assembly today. No vehicles yet though.

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dunno i had my host tell the dev team to send another vehicle spawn wave to my server :) ill post if it works or not.

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I have vehicles on my server, one of which is spawning to frequently...and its buggy. The small boat.. I blew it up 2 days ago and its back, so I hopped in it for shits and gigs and hoped up shortly afterward...the throttle or something stuck and it took off on its own adventure eventually i'm assuming, running out of gas in the middle of the ocean. Was a great distraction for those on the coast though.

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Similar issues here.

Had vehicles on our server since it first went live about a month ago - since getting it back up and running yesterday, post-DDoS maintenance, our existing vehicles are gone. (Tents as well, but that's not such a great mystery - it happens) Myself and 2 others have scouted all known vehicle spawns on the server and have not encountered a single vehicle - not even a bicycle.

My question is more what's causing it. It sucks not having vehicles, but I'm sure I'll survive.

I always thought vehicles were stored/maintained locally, but in the wake of hive maintenance, the vehicle issues seem to have presented themselves, so I'm guessing that's not the case.

Not complaining, by the way. If it's a known/explainable issue, that's fine - just looking for some more info, I guess.

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Similar issues here.

Had vehicles on our server since it first went live about a month ago - since getting it back up and running yesterday' date=' post-DDoS maintenance, our existing vehicles are gone. (Tents as well, but that's not such a great mystery - it happens) Myself and 2 others have scouted all known vehicle spawns on the server and have not encountered a single vehicle - not even a bicycle.

My question is more what's causing it. It sucks not having vehicles, but I'm sure I'll survive.

I always thought vehicles were stored/maintained locally, but in the wake of hive maintenance, the vehicle issues seem to have presented themselves, so I'm guessing that's not the case.

Not complaining, by the way. If it's a known/explainable issue, that's fine - just looking for some more info, I guess.


yeah thats exactly what happened to us, but like i said it was the ddos'ing on like june 20th or something when ours first disappeared. we can still find some on other servers. my one buddy was just server hopping at known spawns just to see if there was anything and finally found one, but it was possibly? hidden where someone went looking for a jerry can to fuel it, but couldnt find one. still they have found 2 cars and a bike now on that server.

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I haven't checked other servers, but we lost all vehicles and tents (that we know of) on our server. It's interesting it only happened after the Hive maintenance the devs performed on monday-ish.

Again, I'm not expressing displeasure at this - this sort of thing happens, I'm cool with that. I made the resolution very early on with this game to not get too attached to anything. =) The nature of the mod, combined with the fact it's in Alpha means you will lose things.

Be nice if one of the devs could weigh in and shed some light on this. Will a future DayZ update fix it? Do we just have to be patient and wait for a respawn timer or some such? Can we do something to help?

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Just set up a new server yesterday and have yet to see a vehicle, have checked all known spawn locations. Bummer, hope this gets addressed. We are also noticing huge delays in items spawning in regardless of location, check a tree stand and absolutely nothing, come back 10 minutes later, items fill in. I believe this is a delay from the hive and that they are still experiencing issues but this is obviously not confirmed, just an idea.

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I have a noob question for you: if a group of players amass every vehicle in a single spot will they disable every other vehicle spawn until those mentioned vehicles are destroyed?

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I host a few servers and have also experienced a lack of vehicles spawning.

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I have had a server since the day the new support system rolled out. I have been wondering the same things as all of you, mostly due to my server being first setup during the DDoS attacks the Master DB was getting.

Tonight though all my worries that vehicles were never going to spawn went away. I found the Bus in Cherno and repaired the 3 wheels, repaired the engine, and gathered up 2 Jerry cans to juice her up.

So my suggestion to anyone else running a fairly new server, or even an older server, to maybe give it a little more time and see if a vehicle happens to pop up.

There is also a sweet new support ticket system in place to address your server woes, if you feel there is still a problem and need to do something to fix it.

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I have a noob question for you: if a group of players amass every vehicle in a single spot will they disable every other vehicle spawn until those mentioned vehicles are destroyed?

there's only like ~20 land vehicle spawns on the map. if they manage to find everything, and in accordance to rockets rules, move them on a daily basis, then yes, no other vehicles will spawn, as they are all working and in use. so you will need to destroy them.

though in the cleanup thread somewhere they mention that new vehicles, if they are destroyed, will "respawn" where they are currently located. so if you screw up your car, as long as you have parts when the server resets you can fix it right away wherever you left it.

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