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Helicopter Crash Sites and Persistence

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It's been working since 0.51 lmfao.

0.50 was when they are invisible.

i can confirm they work


I swear, I have been around persistent servers (0.53), I checked every spawn, nothing. That's why I asked the question, and thankyou for the answer

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I swear, I have been around persistent servers (0.53), I checked every spawn, nothing. That's why I asked the question, and thankyou for the answer


They're certainly more consistent on non-persistent servers. The current theory is that they do spawn on persistent ones after either Wednesday maintenance (when the servers are obviously reset), or in this case after the new patch. So while they will have very recently been found on persistent servers, it's hard to confirm that this means they've been fixed vis-a-vis persistence in the longer term.

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