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zZzZz (DayZ)


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We could put any of the vegetables in the game(finally a use for ruined fruit!) in a container with water and a yeast packet, and you would have a "mash". You could search walls for copper pipe (similar to searching the beach for stones?) and combine it with a cooking pot, and maybe one of those new barrels as a condenser, and we could distill our own alcohol for tinctures. If we replaced the veggies with wood, we could make ethanol to fuel vehicles. (Although it would be fun and accurate if it eventually screwed the cars up if you used it long enough!)

And of course, the alcohol should be drinkable, but come with a loss of player control, followed by the shakes...and if there was a way to screw it up, blindness, of course.

Sort of involved, I know, but it would be a VERY cool addition, and certainly something the competing games arent even thinking of.

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as long as there are no solder joints and the copper pipes are clean you would not go blind. what causes that is usually solder or a wield in the pipes turns the alcohol into methanol. great idea i think we should be able to make a still for fuel and for drinkin hell on RP servers it could be used as trade and if you really wanted some excitement rig it to blow then the shiner gets back and booooooom.

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