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Hacked Heli at Cherno

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I found a hacked HELI at Cherno I believe. I am sorry I got no picture but it was not Green which is the only one? It had rockets on it which I accidently shot and I nearly killed my self but I didn't know how to fly it. But I looted 3 grenades. Darn hackers don't stop do they...

Next time I find one I will take a picture!

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Im pretty new to the game so this is probably a dumb question.

I always see people saying about hacked helis but how can you tell the difference if it's a hacked in heli or a proper legit heli?

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A hacked heli has Mr T hanging out the side throwing snicker bars at you.


I have no idea. Would like to know though. How do i know when stuff is hacked or players are hackers?

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Basically go on youtube you can find some hacked stuff like spawning stuff, messages on screen in the middle and there is only 1 Heli in the game. Hacked guns like a guy had a SCAR-L (I don't know real name that is COD one I believe :D) Hacked Heli is not green it has different colors and it is kinda big with rockets on it. (Just loot it if you find one)!

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This is what the heli in dayz looks like. Anything else shouldn't be there.


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I found a hacked HELI at Cherno I believe. I am sorry I got no picture but it was not Green which is the only one? It had rockets on it which I accidently shot and I nearly killed my self but I didn't know how to fly it. But I looted 3 grenades. Darn hackers don't stop do they...

Next time I find one I will take a picture!

WAIT WAIT WAIT. Was it a black KA-52 with rockets in Cherno?

Did you crash it to tree lines while being shot from the ground?

Coz me and my friend shoot down a black KA52 in cherno some days ago.

I even got it on the video

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anyone wondering this question @agL linked a picture to a UH-1 huey i think it is and that is the heli you can find it has no gun that you can shoot from the pilot but 2 side miniguns. any other you take a picture and submit to cheating forums with the server and stuff. but yea just make sure not to use it as someone could get you lol, just take picture note things and move on!

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helis in dayz don't have rockets. you might have been looking at a hacked mi24

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helis in dayz don't have rockets. you might have been looking at a hacked mi24

It said it was KA52

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The difference is that the "hacked" heli is the UHZ 1 Cobra which is an attack helicopter, while the repairable one is the UH 1 Huey or some later variation of that model. The UH 1 is more of a support/transport heli while the UHZ 1 is for basically blowing shit up

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Look the attached image. Whats the name of this heli? KA52 ?

Saw and killed this heli. Cheaters :@

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ahh i thought it was the US heli... that's the one i have seen in videos.

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