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Fuel Canister cant get in with it v3s

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Was there a change with this? I can no longer bring the fuel can with me into the v3s. It goes on the ground the moment i try to get in.

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Hmm, it was probably a  small glitch (which is already one to begin with... :lol: ) that you couldn't, as I found a V3S yesterday, got a canister, filled the truck and kept the canister "in my hands" (top of the inventory with hands free still) and didn't have any problem at all.


I've stopped carrying other melee except knives, either combat, bayonet or kitchen knife as a challenge and mostly used my rifle to dispose of zombies. You can carry the "in your hands" item with something else you use in your hands, and it will only dropped the item once you put away the item you used in your hands.

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