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Has a lack of UI actually decreased immersion in DayZ?

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  On 1/13/2015 at 9:36 AM, Boneboys said:
Anyhow, try suggesting something.


If you want to go with the full "immersive" schtick, why not the way some irregularly equipped groups have identified themselves for the last thousand years? A colored piece of cloth you tie to your arm.


Maybe faction based clothing is an option. Only certain factions may craft certain clothing. This way people could identify what faction you are in without HUD elements, with Bandits and the like still being able to impersonate a faction by looting the clothes. Be wary trusting a guy wearing bloody Traders clothes riddled with bullet holes.

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I believe that those that enjoy Dayz "as is", are those that prefer the current mechanics or simply became use to them over time, but that the larger gaming public would not mind a more traditional HUD.

The sense of prosopagnosia is something that I find incredibly immersion breaking as it dramatically reduce our ability to socialize or rollplay in game.


Since the preferred style of HUD and other UI styles is a matter of personal preference, different between each gamer, I feel the only workable middle ground would be to allow players to customize their HUD and UI. 

Since previous Bohemia games already had this feature, I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually got it as well.

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  On 1/13/2015 at 9:35 PM, Erv_za said:

I believe that those that enjoy Dayz "as is", are those that prefer the current mechanics or simply became use to them over time, but that the larger gaming public would not mind a more traditional HUD.

The sense of prosopagnosia is something that I find incredibly immersion breaking as it dramatically reduce our ability to socialize or rollplay in game.


Since the preferred style of HUD and other UI styles is a matter of personal preference, different between each gamer, I feel the only workable middle ground would be to allow players to customize their HUD and UI. 

Since previous Bohemia games already had this feature, I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually got it as well.


DayZ isn't like other games. Dean Hall described it as the Anti-Game. This game wants you to cry for your mommy in abject despair. This game does not want to help you beyond the absolute bare necessities, and even then. You should be confused and uncertain whether that dark silhouette in the trees is your friend, or an enemy, not see a marker pop up over his head saying either. DayZ should never cater to the whims of the 'larger gaming public'. DayZ should be DayZ, and if you don't like it, there are other games out there.

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  On 1/13/2015 at 10:09 PM, Sacha said:

This game does not want to help you beyond the absolute bare necessities, and even then. You should be confused and uncertain whether that dark silhouette in the trees is your friend, or an enemy, not see a marker pop up over his head saying either.

I agree that other options besides name markers should be explored to fight the sense of prosopagnosia, but in-case it was the only option, there is ways to prevent nametags from becoming a cheat.



There is better ways to make a game harder than just to make the interface confusing. 

If you already infested the effort to master the current interface, it would be understandable that you would not want that mechanic to change, but understand that it is just a case of "BitterVet" syndrome.

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  On 1/13/2015 at 10:46 PM, Erv_za said:

I agree that other options besides name markers should be explored to fight the sense of prosopagnosia, but in-case it was the only option, there is ways to prevent nametags from becoming a cheat.



There is better ways to make a game harder than just to make the interface confusing. 

If you already infested the effort to master the current interface, it would be understandable that you would not want that mechanic to change, but understand that it is just a case of "BitterVet" syndrome.


Things like tags are always going to be shitty in DayZ, because nothing ruins your immersive experience like spending 3 hours pussyfooting through towns and forests at night avoiding death, only to see some tag pop up in the distance that says "[420]GaNjAbRuH" or some dumb shit like that. There are plenty of ways to make yourself recognizable to others that don't require nametags or HUD upgrades or any of that nonsense. Be creative and think for yourself. Talk to that silhouette. Have you and your friends wear matching gear. Or just keep your eyes open and track friends and foes. 

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  On 1/13/2015 at 10:54 PM, Sacha said:

Things like tags are always going to be shitty in DayZ, because nothing ruins your immersive experience like spending 3 hours pussyfooting through towns and forests at night avoiding death, only to see some tag pop up in the distance that says "[420]GaNjAbRuH" or some dumb shit like that.

On private shards roleplay names are enforced. This would not be an issue.


  On 1/13/2015 at 10:54 PM, Sacha said:

There are plenty of ways to make yourself recognizable to others that don't require nametags or HUD upgrades or any of that nonsense. Be creative and think for yourself. Talk to that silhouette. Have you and your friends wear matching gear. Or just keep your eyes open and track friends and foes. 


  1. Talking to them (and giving away your position).
  2. Check pulse. <-- what the fuck?
  3. Remembering their clothing or previous position (only works partially).

There are not plenty of ways to recognize friendlies in DayZ. There are three. That is not plenty.




  1. If you lose track of your friends, in other words "split up and go scavenging", there is no non-intrusive way of identifying them again.
  2. There is no way of identifying friendlies through multiple sessions.


Personal identification


I propose a new option. Please note, I hate status messages with a passion. They suck balls but this seems to only way that the DayZ devs want to show in-game information currently. So I propose an advanced "check pulse" feature. The F1 key.


  1. Make "friends" via a "handshake" or "high five" action while your cursor is over another nearby player. Status message: "You and <friend> are now friends."
  2. Pressing the wave action (F1) while pointing at a "friend" within 150m. Status message: "You wave at <friend>."
  3. If you wave at someone that isn't your friend no status message should be shown to avoid message spam.
  4. Both the handshake and wave actions should be spammable for those times you encounter a new group in-game.
  5. I integrated another game with the Steam API and I believe Steam friends can only be added via the Steam Overlay. This is something that should probably be supported to improve the social atmosphere of the game. Steam friends should, naturally, also count as in-game friends and support any friend recognition features (e.g. SteamFriends()->HasFriend()).

Non-friendly identification


On private shards, there are people that break the rules. The only way, currently, to identify these rule-breakers is via the "Check pulse" action. If you are handcuffed or otherwise restrained it should still be possible to identify these non-friendlies. I propose that waving (F1) at another player within 10-50 meters automatically identifies that player. Status message: "You stare an <player-name>."



Group identification


For group identification they should really just bring back the Arma 3 hex markers unless they have a better plan. In Arma the hex markers are already fairly non-obtrusive and allow team coordination closer to how we are able to coordinate in real-life. Markers should fade in and out base on line-of-sight. This option should be configurable as both a server- and client-side option for people that feel it intrudes on their immersive experience.

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Use walkies and whisper. And if you can't remember what your friends look like or where you last saw them, you deserve to get shot and killed, really. This isn't a game that holds your hand. It throws you into the lion pit with a sharpened stick. 

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You guys are overcomplicating this. All you need is a piece cloth you can tie around one or both arms with an option to custom color it with RGB values (until such time DayZ has a plethora of ingame coloring items).


Right click on a stack of rags, set color to "hot pink" and give the colored rags to the rest of the crew. Tie to one or both arms. Bam. Easy group identification for up to 100m.


There. It doesnt have to get more complex then that.


Would I like a HUD and ingame chat and all the other amenities that other games offer? In regards to combat the widespread Hacker and Exploiter menace, i would say yes, DayZ's immersion and realism has to be sacrificed until such time their security becomes so strong, hacking is almost impossible and we, the players, no longer have to self-police.


But such security measures are most likely impossible and Hackers will keep peeing all over this game for the foreseeable future. I just wish they would give us players the tools to do their job for them and make life hard for hackers in the ways we can in other games.

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  On 1/14/2015 at 8:29 AM, Thadius said:

You guys are overcomplicating this. All you need is a piece cloth you can tie around one or both arms with an option to custom color it with RGB values (until such time DayZ has a plethora of ingame coloring items).


Right click on a stack of rags, set color to "hot pink" and give the colored rags to the rest of the crew. Tie to one or both arms. Bam. Easy group identification for up to 100m.


Armbands would be nice for group identification but Rocket said it probably wouldn't be possible due to clipping issues with various clothing items.




Customizable hats or bandanas are an option but that negatively impacts the RP aspect of the game, for me. I always wear a green cap and blue shirt flannel shirt on RP servers. It also doesn't help with personal identification in any way.

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  On 1/11/2015 at 4:08 PM, scriptfactory said:

DayZ spams us with onscreen messages. Also, in Battlefield it has a specific purpose, showing player progression to help improve attachment to the game.

Tetris and Chess both have a user interface. So does DayZ. While a user interface can include a HUD, all UIs don't have a HUD.

All of these points are addressed in the thesis. It is quite good.

Well my body spams me with hunger when i dont eat, can i turn it of somehow? -_- In my opinion the ui is fine the way it is.


I would love some more infomation, or better precise ones.

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