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Suggestion - Food/Water as of

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I know the water one has already been suggested, but i'm including it as it is part of the balance in the game.


Realism -

In real life, I could kill a pig or a cow and manage to get meat off of it with out having a hunting knife. I could not clean and gut it as cleanly as someone with a knife, but I could get meat to survive.

As of Hunting requires a weapon, hunting knife, wood pile and matches in order to make cooked meat.

Suggestion -

Setup animals to yield maybe one or two pieces of meat when cleaning a kill by hand versus a more efficient cleaning with a knife which yields more meat.


Realism -

I don't need a container to drink water.

Suggestion -

Allow people to drink from lakes and wells.


Keep up the good work, things are coming along nicely.

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I once suggested that water thing, but the thread is now the 345th or something similar

Both good ideas, since animals are kind of rare, and a box of matches is something i'd prefer over finding an AKM (pretty rare) wouldn't make it too easy to survive

Finding water can be a real pain, and dehydrating while standing in a pond of perfectly clear water makes no sense to me

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In real life' date=' I could kill a pig or a cow and manage to get meat off of it with out having a hunting knife.


Did you ever tried this? Are you sure you'd be able to pluck a piece of raw meat by hands? I don't think so.

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I'm not sure if you are aware, but human beings have been killing and eating animals long before knives or even sharp objects were developed.

So yes, I'm pretty sure we could all tear into an animal by hand or by breaking off limbs to get some hunks of meat from it.

You don't need to gut an animal to tear off it's rear leg and end up with a decent piece of meat. If all you left with were the two hind quarters (legs) you'd have a decent amount of meat... if you had a knife to skin and gut the animal, you could recover the other cuts of meat.

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I'm not sure if you are aware' date=' but human beings have been killing and eating animals long before knives or even sharp objects were developed.

So yes, I'm pretty sure we could all tear into an animal by hand or by breaking off limbs to get some hunks of meat from it.

You don't need to gut an animal to tear off it's rear leg and end up with a decent piece of meat. If all you left with were the two hind quarters (legs) you'd have a decent amount of meat... if you had a knife to skin and gut the animal, you could recover the other cuts of meat.


This post made my day - almost genius :D

Out of curiosity, at what point in history were sharp objects developed?

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+ !!!

-- the water thing is great. so far i got lucky with waterbottles - but when i think about my future lifes ...

-- i would "add" the following when its about meat:

the player should be able to eat raw meat (better than to starfe) but only by taking the risk of an infection

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:) OK, sharp objects being developed... not the best choice of words...

Maybe discovered?

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what about camelbag tha t would make you imune from dehydration for... lets say 10 minutes per liter in it. it would take 4 slots in tool box and refilling would need 5 bottles to fill (most of cbs are 4 liter and most of cantines are .75 liter). I would make it rare as well.

Also with meat, I would include a little crafting in it. Some seasons that would give you boosts, like salt that would make you thirsty at first, but also make you less dehydrated over time (lets say for 1 hour). Salt does this in real, because it has awesome feature - it holds liquids inside body so you sweat less etc.

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Salt does this in real' date=' because it has awesome feature - it holds liquids inside body so you sweat less etc.


As salt passes through your digestive system it pulls water out of your body by osmosis. Salt dehydrates you, I thought everybody knew that.

EDIT: Salt can increase the level of water in the blood, but as it is bound to the salt it won't help the cells any, leaving them dehydrated still.

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Salt does this in real' date=' because it has awesome feature - it holds liquids inside body so you sweat less etc.


As salt passes through your digestive system it pulls water out of your body by osmosis. Salt dehydrates you, I thought everybody knew that.

EDIT: Salt can increase the level of water in the blood, but as it is bound to the salt it won't help the cells any, leaving them dehydrated still.

you need salt a lot, it has two main electrolytes - chloride and sodium (third is potassium) that your body needs a lot. It does bounds water to itself but to dehydrate yourself you need to eat a lot of salt. And thats not my idea, in small amount it holds liquid inside body and prevent the from escaping. as the sodium and chloride are used in body, so does the water molecules bound to it.

why do you think that saline or IV is solution of salt? Yes it takes water from cells but puts it also back in (sodium, potassium and chloride can actually travel through membrane and hold nutrients such as water molecules)

Salt, in small amount, helps you digest water better. I mean small amout of 500 miligrams, which is RDD.

Now the salt water is different - it makes your kidneys cry and thats why you dehydrate yourself. Because the amount of salt is humongous. But salt you put in the food helps you. I am not encouraging to eat Bender´s dish of salt ;)

EDiT: potassium is needed to regain water from bloodstream, if you dont have enough potassium then you are dehydrating yourself with salt. Potassium is in fact in beans :D

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I'm not sure if you are aware' date=' but human beings have been killing and eating animals long before knives or even sharp objects were developed.


You sound pretty damn certain of this for someone who's wrong.

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why do you think that saline or IV is solution of salt?

I assume you mean "why are electrolytes often added to IV fluids?"

This is done to maintain water-electrolyte balance in the body, as the electrolytes are necessary to allow an electrical signal to pass across the cell membranes. Without a proper balance, the muscles would not be able to contract and the heart would cease to function.

The key word is 'balance'. You can't just eat some salt and expect it to hold your fluids in, it doesn't work like that.

The amount of natrium chloride your body needs is very small and it is something that can be found in every kitchen in the world, I think it would be a little beyond the scope of the game to add a 'season food' mechanic.

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why do you think that saline or IV is solution of salt?

I assume you mean "why are electrolytes often added to IV fluids?"

This is done to maintain water-electrolyte balance in the body' date=' as the electrolytes are necessary to allow an electrical signal to pass across the cell membranes. Without a proper balance, the muscles would not be able to contract and the heart would cease to function.

The key word is 'balance'. You can't just eat some salt and expect it to hold your fluids in, it doesn't work like that.

The amount of natrium chloride your body needs is very small and it is something that can be found in every kitchen in the world, I think it would be a little beyond the scope of the game to add a 'season food' mechanic.


erhm... did you just made my whole post your tl;dr citation? I talked about small amount and balance there :D

but the point is to make some benefits from food and drinks other than just not dying. because nutritions works many ways and can improve your health (balanced diet) or pretty much ruin it (junk food) and lots of poeple seems to not acknowledge it ;) I am not saying add malnutrishment but add some bonus from exotic/rare stuff to improve your food ;)

Also military MREs would be cool. They have great dosage of nutrients except for fibers.

edit: i just realised that you made my idea greater - you might overdose on salt which will make you dehydrated faster :) treatment would be well... increasing your drinking rutine while salt overdose is in effect.

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The water bottle thing...

Even clear water can be a problem, you still need to treat it most times. ESPECIALLY if there is a virus out there making people zombies. Hence, water has to be put in a canteen with some form of treatment. Cl tabs, UV light, Ag ion...whatever. So, the canteen is not a container its a supply of water treatment.

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The water bottle thing...

Even clear water can be a problem' date=' you still need to treat it most times. ESPECIALLY if there is a virus out there making people zombies. Hence, water has to be put in a canteen with some form of treatment. Cl tabs, UV light, Ag ion...whatever. So, the canteen is not a container its a supply of water treatment.


yeah, my idea would be to also sterilise it with boiling ;) fire would have then one more purpose.

Also thanks vertisce for supporting my cameblbag idea - you can check list of my ideas - see my signature ;)

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