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Let them live or not ?

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So today i was playing and there was 2 guys with assualt rifles not sure what gun, i had a axe so i thought i won't fuck with them but unlucky for me he was stood next to me bcause i logged in there so i shouted friendly and he turned around and shot but the thing is he didn't notice me so i could have had the chance to kill him so i thought was it worth nearly killing one and the other killing me or saying friendly and try to live, So i'm thinking to my self what is the point in using 'Friendly', From my experiance no matter how new you are, What weapon you have, if you talk or not and say friendly are not you will be shot.

So i am wondering is there any point or should i always go in for the kill ? Even if the odds are against me.

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Calling out "friendly" is, sadly, a gamble. Even if you are being honest, truthfully, you have NO way of knowing if they aswell. Sometimes you've gotta shoot first, and ask questions later. It's just how things are going in DayZ atm.

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As I see it, the bandit mentality is "Survival for me," which means actively shooting other survivors for loot and safety. In this case, you'd be killing just for the sake of killing, despite knowing you'd be killed for that reason. Therefore, I don't think it'd be worth it or logical.

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Well, most people on here are Bandits now and they will KOS you for he pleasure or loot... Just keep that in mind!

It is always best to team up with people you know and who you can trust so then you will be safe and know you can trust them.

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Calling out 'friendly' is such a meaningless thing to do. If you had a team of 4 guys surrounding those 2 guys, THEN it makes sense to call out friendly because now you are in control. But this is not a game for people who just want to tend to their rose garden in peace.

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Just because YOU'RE friendly, doesnt mean THEY are friendly. Just remember that.

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Yelling out Friendly, will mostly just give out to the enemies nearby that theres someone else there with them.

And, kill everyone you meet, if you have any kind of weapon and see a player, pop him, if you disagree with this you haven't played long enough.

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Today I was driving around in one of my vehicles (pickup) and I came across a guy without any guns, so I decided to pick him up. He wanted to go to a pharmacy since he was infected and kept passing out so I drove to one. In the pharmacy he passed out and I waited for him to wake up, when he woke up I was busy killing zombies and he ran to my pickup and drove away with it. I popped all the tires so I could run after him, after a while he crashed into a fence and exploded.

This is the last time I will be friendly towards anyone that I am not talking to in a VOIP program or something similar. So I'd say, go for the kill. That's what I am going to do everytime from now on. If the odds are against you avoid them or just pretend that you are friendly if it's a situation that you can't avoid and run away or kill the person when he has lowered his guard.

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as long as your not one of those pansy people who disconnect when there about to die it doesn't matter :L though personally i would try and kill one of them first even if I die it means they have to lose some gear because the other guy will have to carry the other guys stuff and give it back to him.

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You shouldn't have called out friendly, you should have just turn and ran then either watched them to see if they were friendly or go somewhere else.

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In every "sandbox" game I tend to play "me". My chracter won't do things that I would not do. It's saddens me to see DayZ community to go into shoot on sight pattern. While I do not belive that most people do what I do (play "me") It's still pretty sad to know that alot of people are accepting this as state of the game.

You wont get shot by me if you don't show aggressive intentions. I like to get immersed into games. And "winning" by all means necesary is not the thing I do. I guess I wont survive long in real zombie apocalypse :P

(Sorry for my english - it's not my primary language)

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