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Petition for a less hackable chenarus !!!!!!no discussion only sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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lol here comes the flamer gang xD !

i only report pppl because theyre idiots like you discuss in a non discussion thread.

i dont need to make new accounts like you 1 time posters. theyre friends and others who admit that i am care for thoose problems.

there isnt a video anymore wich advertise hacks, you cant even read the full thread so you maybe a ignorant or worse.


i did offer one way wich could be useful like sharing help like tuts for server admins to prevent hacking and make them sticky.

you should really read threads before speaking a lot of bullshit here i think youre are the first ones who should get banned for your nonsense flaming.

all you do is insulting me and flame all what you can find and put it to negative and youre calling me a a 12 year old what not lol. youre so funny xD

so mimimi in your little no good world with your shuriken friend.

wanna take a cup of tea while youre helpful ?

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I am locking this thread, cause honestly, today it was the first one I deemed useless and pointless.

I wish people put this much effort into testing then making threads regarding a likely known issue, I like to call "Hacking".

Get over it and just test the Alpha already.

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