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Protective Cases

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I believe that protector cases should actually protect the items inside. For example:



You have a protector case that is in your backpack, a guy comes and shoots you in the backpack a few times. Everything is ruined, including the protector case, but the items inside are badly damaged, damaged, and if you are lucky, worn. And if you are REALLY lucky, pristine. If this idea was implemented then protector cases would be really sought after, since it means that you are almost guaranteed to not have all of your stuff destroyed.

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As far as I know that's exactly how they work already. I can shoot people and everything is ruined except the stuff in protector cases.

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Aye, I got shot earlier and everything in my pack was either ruined or badly damaged, except the stuff in my protector case. Too bad it was random crap like a sewing kit, a compass and spare aviators...

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