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Why did you shoot me?

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First i want to say that this is not one of those i hate bandits i dont want PvP threads.

My thread title is a question i yell at the screen everytime somebody shoots me unprovoked. Why did you shoot me?

Im not talking about the shoot or be shot situations when you both enter the supermarket at the same time from opposite ends and stare into eachothers eyes. Im also not talking about the bandit sniping and then looting your body. Those i see clear logical reasons for even if one of them may be more evil :)

What im talking about is me sitting as a fresh respawn with only a hatchet looking down into a lootpile and being shot in the back of the head with an m4 execution style. That has happened to me so many times i've lost count but being shot with different weapons.

Just now i respawned by elektro and figured i would venture inside since i had nothing to lose and needed new gear. I go around all industrial, hospital, residential, office, supermarket and firehouse buildings and gather basically every tool i could need. I even got a toolbox so i can take those pesky little barbed wires down. However, i didnt find any weapons for some reason. So im walking down the stairs of the north elektro firestation and i look into some guys lee enfield barrel. I tell him im friendly and that i just respawned and dont even have a weapon which you can see by me not having one equipped. He says ok over voicechat and puts a third eye in my face.

Why would you shoot someone who has shown no sign of hostility and looking at their equipment poses absolutely no threat to you at all. I myself has also done this a time or two.

Why do we shoot in these kinds of situations?

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Why not..

Well i like to think that some reasons would be:

1. The person has shown no sign of hostility to me.

2. The person has no real way of hurting me.

3. I gain nothing by killing the person since he/she has no gear

4. I use up bullets for nothing.

5. I give up my position to surrounding survivors if im not using a silenced weapon.

I see no clear motivator for me to take the execution shot in these situations even though i have done the same before.

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Inb4 bandits come defending their blood lust.

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u said it urself... u have every piece of equipment...that'll be why they will kill u. they just went into a building and saw all the loot had been taken... then find a player... 1 bullet later they have all the gear nicely collected up for them to take. simple really. when u have had all the gear u can get and u have respawned so many times u cant remember because of bandits, hackers, broken legs etc its far easier to find a gun and shoot sum1! soz but its true. when i spawn atm i sprint until i have a gun....sure pick up all the loot u find but u aint safe until u have a gun.

p.s getting killed in inventory? learn to be abit quicker and listen for those footsteps. ive had many an inventory quick draw.

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I would instantly shoot you seeing you not geared at all in electro. It is so provocating of you going there without gear and trying to ninja loot from me(?).

And if i would see you geared up there, your first points mentioned seem legit (shoot you aswell).

Enough of an answer?

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u said it urself... u have every piece of equipment...that'll be why they will kill u. they just went into a building and saw all the loot had been taken... then find a player... 1 bullet later they have all the gear nicely collected up for them to take. simple really. when u have had all the gear u can get and u have respawned so many times u cant remember because of bandits' date=' hackers, broken legs etc its far easier to find a gun and shoot sum1! soz but its true. when i spawn atm i sprint until i have a gun....sure pick up all the loot u find but u aint safe until u have a gun.

p.s getting killed in inventory? learn to be abit quicker and listen for those footsteps. ive had many an inventory quick draw.


So you are saying that having better equipment than everybody else makes you kill everybody?

I also sprint until i find some gear to use since i dont really have anything to lose in the beginning anymore. However, i dont shoot someone who doesnt have anything i really need or want in the back of the head. To me i cant find anything that makes it worthwhile unless you come out and say that you were bored and shooting me in the back of the head was more fun than what you were doing.

P.S. I have aswell as you been killed in inventory but yes i listen for those footsteps and if i hear any i of course wont stay in the gear menu...

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u said it urself... u have every piece of equipment...that'll be why they will kill u. they just went into a building and saw all the loot had been taken... then find a player... 1 bullet later they have all the gear nicely collected up for them to take. simple really. when u have had all the gear u can get and u have respawned so many times u cant remember because of bandits' date=' hackers, broken legs etc its far easier to find a gun and shoot sum1! soz but its true. when i spawn atm i sprint until i have a gun....sure pick up all the loot u find but u aint safe until u have a gun.

p.s getting killed in inventory? learn to be abit quicker and listen for those footsteps. ive had many an inventory quick draw.


So you are saying that having better equipment than everybody else makes you kill everybody?

I also sprint until i find some gear to use since i dont really have anything to lose in the beginning anymore. However, i dont shoot someone who doesnt have anything i really need or want in the back of the head. To me i cant find anything that makes it worthwhile unless you come out and say that you were bored and shooting me in the back of the head was more fun than what you were doing.

P.S. I have aswell as you been killed in inventory but yes i listen for those footsteps and if i hear any i of course wont stay in the gear menu...

Perhaps you fail to understand the nature of this game. You've got some stuff... Someone else wants it. They kill you and take it.

MIght not seem fair to you, life and DayZ rarely are. While I do personally believe being murdered along the coast with no weapon is bs, it still happens. It's happened to me, and more than likely a large section of the player base. As for your original question, you might disagree with the "shoot or be shot" motto in this case, but it's always the case. Espically when you head to PVP HOTSPOTS like cherno or Elektro.

In short, expect to be killed. Kill first or die yourself. It's the nature of the game.

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I had a rather funny encounter with a somewhat incompetent bandit a few days ago:

I was approaching the military camp at the antenna on top of green mountain (between Pogorevka and Zelenogorsk), when i spotted someone lying next to the dirtroad. I figured he wouldn't shoot me, because there were Zombies all over the place, so i slowly crawled accross the street, avoiding Zombies, while he was to my left, still not moving. Once i was about half way done he shot and killed me. He died just seconds after that, so he was probably eaten by the Zombies, which were all around him.

I could have shot him before (when i approached the street i saw him), but that would have aggroed the Zombies, so i didn't and i thought i was safe, because nobody would be so retarded and open fire while lying prone in the middle of a zombie horde. Well, he proved me wrong.

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because nobody would be so retarded and open fire while lying prone in the middle of a zombie horde. Well' date=' he proved me wrong.


Do not underestimate the depths of retardation.

Because people learn from streams this is all about murder and just for the socalled lulz.

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am i saying if i have better gear then someone ill kill them? no. the opposite. just beacause u dont have a gun doesnt mean u have worse gear than someone!

if i have freshly spawned and just got a gun i will shoot any1 until i have some decent gear. except my group ofc...this is due to how easy it is to get a great start in the game. u described the perfect scenario, ur new spawn also, no gun etc but have taken time to gather lots of stuff together. ur the perfect kill as a new spawner. easy to kill yet rewarding for sum1 who just ranto a barn and got a winchester and thats it... u see? player like u save a new spawn from bothering to loot themselves... ive started my last 4 characters like this. a bit of looting to get a weapon followed by a kill then hike north to get deeper into the game. when decently geared i wont be in a city like electro or cherno.

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While I totally agree with you about the waste of a bullet and people should maybe consider saving that round and being alittle more friendly to their fellow man. But I'd have to say that is has become a nessasry evil in most cases. I myself have let those weaponless survivors live only for them to come running my way as fast as humanly possible when they find their maka-cap gun 5 mins later and they then atempt shoot me for letting them live. So yeah if I'm far enough away I'll let a new spawn live but if he is within about 75-50meters and sees me. I'm going to pop him for safety reasons. While he might be harmless now at a random loot chance he won't be harmless for long. Although when it happens to me I just hope that the guy who shot me for nothing, wasted that "one" bullet he needs later to save his own life.

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I've been killed by a hatchet before so unless I see a flash light I consider you a possible threat.

Umm I even had a flashlight out and was still shot. Hope my bandage was good enough lol

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I think there can be less heartache over a subject like this if you stop thinking of DayZ as just a game. Sure, it technically is a game; well, a mod. But, Rocket has said the way he approaches this mod is different compared to the way other developers approach other games. Rocket doesn't want to make a game with any sense of linearity, or have to "balance" things that aren't balanced in real life. He wants to set some rules, mainly physics and zombie AI, and let us have at it.

Just like in real life if there were an actual apocalypse, many rules of human civilization would go out the window. It would literally be kill or be killed in most situations, especially over beans and matches, as those would become more precious than money, and would be in finite supply.

Yes, there would be people who wouldn't shoot and would try to promote some semblance of the society pre-apocalypse, but they would run the risk of getting killed for their beans, just like anybody else.

This is less a game and more a human morals simulator. And I enjoy the sh*t out of it.

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Because that player is looking for a gun and theres a high chance he will shoot you in the back later on.

pretty much the only reasons ive ever let players live

- clanmates

- fresh spawns

- i just spawned in the server and they didnt shoot me on sight

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u said it urself... u have every piece of equipment...that'll be why they will kill u. they just went into a building and saw all the loot had been taken... then find a player... 1 bullet later they have all the gear nicely collected up for them to take. simple really. when u have had all the gear u can get and u have respawned so many times u cant remember because of bandits' date=' hackers, broken legs etc its far easier to find a gun and shoot sum1! soz but its true. when i spawn atm i sprint until i have a gun....sure pick up all the loot u find but u aint safe until u have a gun.

p.s getting killed in inventory? learn to be abit quicker and listen for those footsteps. ive had many an inventory quick draw.


So you are saying that having better equipment than everybody else makes you kill everybody?

I also sprint until i find some gear to use since i dont really have anything to lose in the beginning anymore. However, i dont shoot someone who doesnt have anything i really need or want in the back of the head. To me i cant find anything that makes it worthwhile unless you come out and say that you were bored and shooting me in the back of the head was more fun than what you were doing.

P.S. I have aswell as you been killed in inventory but yes i listen for those footsteps and if i hear any i of course wont stay in the gear menu...

Perhaps you fail to understand the nature of this game. You've got some stuff... Someone else wants it. They kill you and take it.

MIght not seem fair to you, life and DayZ rarely are. While I do personally believe being murdered along the coast with no weapon is bs, it still happens. It's happened to me, and more than likely a large section of the player base. As for your original question, you might disagree with the "shoot or be shot" motto in this case, but it's always the case. Espically when you head to PVP HOTSPOTS like cherno or Elektro.

In short, expect to be killed. Kill first or die yourself. It's the nature of the game.

Hey i understand the nature of this game just as much as you do. And i understand the i have something and someone wants it thing perfectly.

My question was in the cases when there was no things to be wanted by anybody. And i'll make myself clear once more like i did in my original post. Im not against any of it. Im all for the possibility of killing whoever you want to. Im just curious about the morality questions that come into play. As far as im concerned this isn't just a game but a simulator of human emotions.

Thats why i asked why do we do it? and i was not complaining about it happening, just exploring the reasons for it happening :)

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Consider this, OP.

Currently in game, I have an Alice Pack, G-17, DMR, and an AS50 in my pack im hanging onto until I can get ammo. Why would I kill you, an unarmed survivor?

Because I still don't have a damned compass. PLEASE have a compass on you!

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