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Seems like we picked the wrong server to come too again. Admins on this server are shady as fuck. from what I have read so far they hack just as much as the little kids do. enjoy your shitty server. my group will be moving on.

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WOW! Glad I called it a night when I did!

After dieing to that stink-en nuke, I re-spawned, died to zombies, re-spawned again & made my way back to Balota to get my gear back. TY to Blasty for getting all my crap off my corps!

Fricken nuke... Heard chomping sound & then... YOU ARE DEAD screen.

Is there no way to stop this CRAP?! Cuz, it's a game breaker if it keep up.

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Lol @ the chomping sound.... That scared the crap out of me!

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Yah, at first I thought I agroed a zombie & it snuck up on me some how. Heart jumped up in my throat, tried to run, but died. Saw like 8-10 others die at the same time. Fricken nuke.

Was a fun night up tell that point. :|

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Blasty - Don't get too close. Thing is still blowing up.

Manny - *Runs straight to it* No gear menu, but I can save it!

Shortly after thing blows up again and sends me 20 feet up in the air. Killing me.

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Next needed added feature in DayZ... Parachutes! :p For moments like these. Also good for when server loges you in 20-30ft in the air. :)

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i agree with tabor your server is fuk'd rather play someplace else where admins are not cheating and lying about it

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RE: US74 Camp Raid

i agree with tabor your server is fuk'd rather play someplace else where admins are not cheating and lying about it

Says the person and clan who were banned for cheating and are now all butthurt about it. Stay classy San Diego :)

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1) Say what you will, none of us hack. I definitely have never hacked nor do I ever want to know how.

2) This game is awesome.

3) Best of luck on your server, keep your head down. It would have been nice to have our teams go to war.



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That server restart just rolled me back half way across the map with no vehicle and I just lost an m249 with 600 rounds I found.... FML

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the restart was announced 3 times in admin chat with a few minutes warning. Gotta pay attention to those and get out save, and get safe.

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=( Rolled the dice and got snake eyes.

Btw, didn't know you guys were Eve players. I played Eve for a bit myself. Wasn't ever in any big corporations. Mostly just me and this kid I brought into a WH with me. Had a full mining, farming sleepers, and gas operation setup. Was good times.

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Yes I noticed the restart warning I wasn't aware that it rolled my character back. Next time I will be sure to log off so my character saves.

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Yes I noticed the restart warning I wasn't aware that it rolled my character back. Next time I will be sure to log off so my character saves.

Generally your character will not be rolled back upon a server reset unless you are in a vehicle which you were unfortunately however it is always best to logg first. For some reason the servers seem to have trouble tracking your character location while driving etc... Also always remember to save the vehicle because a vehicle will almost always (occasionally it sticks with you) get reset back to its last save point.

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