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Who were the guys with the RHIB boat' date=' pick-up, and chopper on the island?[/quote']

If you mean PBX, that would be I. So Jake, the more you are around, the more I have to wonder if you and your group are hacking. Let me run through some events....

You magically find a helicopter on US138 a few days ago


RE: US 138 Hacked "Chinook"

I was the guy shooting the mini gun! But on a more serious note. My group of guys found those stopping at balota airfield along with an A-10, the engine was red on the Chinook. I was shooting the minigun and we were recording this.

The hackers spawned in the pilot's seat, then we took off. He crashed about 5 minute later.

I think we wrote down the hacker's name and I will repost it.

I think on the same day, we find a helicopter and gank it on our server and go stick in a safe spot until the admins can respond to our thread about if they are back in (http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=24165 ). Not a hour or so later, your whole crew magically shows up and steals the copter which turns out to be hacked since it never respawned after the server crash (assumption based on the fact u thought we stole it back).

Then the next day me and my crew log onto a server we see you on (will have to wait for friend to confirm name, but wasn't US138) and we see a heli, shoot it so it has to make emergency landing, we watch them spawn a new heli and take off leaving the old one behind.

So we have you and your group magically in or around 3 hacked helis in the span of a day or two. None of my crew had seen one since they were removed before a few days ago that I know of.

I will have to confer with the admins and take a vote, but at this point, my vote is that you need to find a new place to play because everywhere you go there seem to be hacks and I am a believer of where there is smoke there is fire.

actually, We Have video and audio of the events that happened as we found this stuff.

I spawned on the island (glitch because I logged off on krutoy cap), I was on the after server hopping because the servers we were playing on was getting night and US138 was down because of the hacked Chinook. (We have video of finding it)

I also have an audio fragment of the guy teaching me how to fly your helicopter (has to be yours because it was right next to your tents).

I picked them up, let the guy who taught me how to fly get in the pilot seat. He took us back to your tents where we ran around looting the tents.

We took off 5 minutes later. That's when we were about to land off map a little. Right as we are descending, a black man appears in the chopper with us. Not any of us because we are all white. We land he gets out and we Killed him. The server then crashes. A majority of your clan is now on at this point defending your base. Our guy who spawned in first (who had your boat) said he heard the helicopter leaving the area but could not see because he had no NVGs.

We took his boat and headed towards your base to seek vengeance on that admin abuse your guy pulled.

If that helicopter wasn't yours... then why were you guys there defending your base with sniper as soon as the server reset after killing the guy who spawned on the huey with us?

I'm a believer of whoever did the rhyme, did the crime.

Truth is, we have the footage.

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Sounds like fun on this server :).

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We took his boat and headed towards your base to seek vengeance on that admin abuse your guy pulled.

That is the same tears you tried to cry in lobby chat. There was no admin abuse. We cannot make people spawn in choppers, and I didn't even know that was possible. And the server crashed, it is what it is.

If that helicopter wasn't yours... then why were you guys there defending your base with sniper as soon as the server reset after killing the guy who spawned on the huey with us?

Did you actually read my post and the links in it? I will assume no since you asked the question of why the chopper was there if it wasn't ours.

As far as why "I" was on Krutoy sniping as you drove by, when the server crashed we had a convoy of vehicles up NW. When we re-spawned, a single white truck, me and one other ended up at Krutoy while others ended up all over the map. Some with vehicles, some without. You were just nice enough to come come my way so I could have my way with a few of you :)

Truth is, we have the footage.

Please feel free to upload the video for us to examine and we will take it into consideration.

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Man... I don't log in one night & look what I missed. :( On a good note... You have made Blasty mad... This should make for some GOOD PVP hunting trips over the next few days! :)

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I thought helicopters were turned off?

I know for a fact xtinction ghosted up on top of the hospital roof in cherno cause i watched him appear right behind me...

I can't say it's that big of a deal though' date=' because I also know for a fact that the one admin on the staircase logged out four or five times to avoid death, and also ghosted off that stair well, because we were watching it the entire time through this fight and shot him multiple times... lots of people doing this right now, but can't say I like the ban if the admins are guilty of the same thing..


i don't know how on earth you think that you know this "for a fact". i sat there fading in and out of consciousness, not daring to move for the duration of that fight. i explained what happened with the guy spawning on top of me and looting me. the person "logging in and out" you saw was him as i was just an immobile body on the top for the whole thing

if you had really been watching the whole time, you would have seen me bandage, morphine, fall down, wake up, fall down, wake up, cry in the fetal position, fall down, get up, fall down...

then a hero ran to me, on our server, with blood

i did not log out. i actually watched a guy log in and out on top of my passed out body at least twice. once i did finally get patched up, i ran around with a bunch of garbage in my pack because i think he thought i was dead, not just passed out and looted me

i would appreciate it if you would refrain from stating your opinions as facts, thanks :@

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Who were the guys with the RHIB boat' date=' pick-up, and chopper on the island?[/quote']

If you mean PBX, that would be I. So Jake, the more you are around, the more I have to wonder if you and your group are hacking. Let me run through some events....

You magically find a helicopter on US138 a few days ago


RE: US 138 Hacked "Chinook"

I was the guy shooting the mini gun! But on a more serious note. My group of guys found those stopping at balota airfield along with an A-10, the engine was red on the Chinook. I was shooting the minigun and we were recording this.

The hackers spawned in the pilot's seat, then we took off. He crashed about 5 minute later.

I think we wrote down the hacker's name and I will repost it.

I think on the same day, we find a helicopter and gank it on our server and go stick in a safe spot until the admins can respond to our thread about if they are back in (http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=24165 ). Not a hour or so later, your whole crew magically shows up and steals the copter which turns out to be hacked since it never respawned after the server crash (assumption based on the fact u thought we stole it back).

Then the next day me and my crew log onto a server we see you on (will have to wait for friend to confirm name, but wasn't US138) and we see a heli, shoot it so it has to make emergency landing, we watch them spawn a new heli and take off leaving the old one behind.

So we have you and your group magically in or around 3 hacked helis in the span of a day or two. None of my crew had seen one since they were removed before a few days ago that I know of.

I will have to confer with the admins and take a vote, but at this point, my vote is that you need to find a new place to play because everywhere you go there seem to be hacks and I am a believer of where there is smoke there is fire.

actually, We Have video and audio of the events that happened as we found this stuff.

I spawned on the island (glitch because I logged off on krutoy cap), I was on the after server hopping because the servers we were playing on was getting night and US138 was down because of the hacked Chinook. (We have video of finding it)

I also have an audio fragment of the guy teaching me how to fly your helicopter (has to be yours because it was right next to your tents).

I picked them up, let the guy who taught me how to fly get in the pilot seat. He took us back to your tents where we ran around looting the tents.

We took off 5 minutes later. That's when we were about to land off map a little. Right as we are descending, a black man appears in the chopper with us. Not any of us because we are all white. We land he gets out and we Killed him. The server then crashes. A majority of your clan is now on at this point defending your base. Our guy who spawned in first (who had your boat) said he heard the helicopter leaving the area but could not see because he had no NVGs.

We took his boat and headed towards your base to seek vengeance on that admin abuse your guy pulled.

If that helicopter wasn't yours... then why were you guys there defending your base with sniper as soon as the server reset after killing the guy who spawned on the huey with us?

I'm a believer of whoever did the rhyme, did the crime.

Truth is, we have the footage.

The sequence of events are slightly off here as I would like to shed some enlightenment on what actually happened. I was.. as you put it the "black guy" in the chopper that was not a member of your team".

"We took off 5 minutes later. That's when we were about to land off map a little. Right as we are descending, a black man appears in the chopper with us."

I actually logged onto the island after taking an hour or so break after a cramp raid while the rest of my team was out in the NW hiding our other vehicles. To my surprise upon logging in I find that I hear the chopper in the air somewhere near the island. It turns out that your team had stolen it and was coming in for a landing at that time.

As the chopper landed I managed to sneak onto it without you guys noticing. If you have footage of the event from that point you will see that I was the guy that was on the left hand side of the chopper after your entire team got in (I was the last to get in as a door gunner). If this is not the visible sequence of events then there is some holy god of a lag spike that prevented me from showing up with you guys until the point of your clams.

Thinking that I would possibly be more successful recovering it once you guys had landed somewhere else and the chopper had been powered down and the pilot had gotten out (thus preventing a shootout and me getting killed and accomplishing nothing). After enjoying the flight your team landed the chopper and all of you exited except for the pilot.

You still hadn't noticed me at this point contrary to your statement because you actually all left the chopper ran to a treeline to the north and left your pilot behind. If you had noticed me upon the landing sequence you for some reason decided that the random guy was okay to just chill there for a while.

At this point I was waiting for the pilot to leave. Changing positions in the chopper and just chilling for a couple of minutes. Unfortunately for myself he never got out. I decided to get out of the chopper and kill him. But for some reason after unloading a whole bunch of bullets into the pilots side window your pilot took no damage. (I believe there may be some aramaII anti-friendly fire mechanism that makes it difficult to kill people when you are shooting at a vehicle right beside it and are on the same team (in DayZ everybody logs in on the Blue-for team and this may be an unintended mechanic due to that). Feel free to correct me if i'm wrong. Perhaps he just got lucky.

Your team then ran out of the treeline to the chopper (that I had gotten back into as a door gunner on the right hand side this time). Two of you came back looked at me and one ran off. That's when one with what looked like the FN-FAL with NV scope shot me in the head. If you guys are going to post accusations of cheating you should ensure your story is correct and full and not missing significant chunks from the timeline. Also your accusations must be in the realm of possibility.

"We took his boat and headed towards your base to seek vengeance on that admin abuse your guy pulled."

1. I am not a server admin.

2. A sever admin can neither spawn or place himself or anyone else anywhere on the map or inside of any vehicle.

3. All other questions about where the chopper came from had been answered by previous posts and there was a link provided showing actions being taken to figure out the source of the chopper and what we were doing to determine its legitimacy.

4. As stated before the server crash caused us to loose 4 vehicles that were being driven out in the northwest and tele-ported two of our guys to krutoy for some stupid reason who you got in a firefight with thus causing us to loose more gear since you were able to kill them off as well.

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Did the hive server get wiped? You guys notice anything missing upon logging in?

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Sup Peeps!

My clan members just linked this post to me and suggested I clear things up. So this is what really happened.

around 8-10 of us logged onto your server after having a hacker spawn bombs on top of us and our tents in our base camp on chicago 15. We decided to quit that server and were going to make your server our new home.

The reason for deciding on your servers is an admin presence, discouragement of hacking/hackers and most importantly it looked like from what posts one of our members were reading... lively battling between different groups.

anyway our members logged on some of us decided we would start in cherno for the challenge and two other groups of us started and met up in other locations to re-gear and set up a base camp.

alaroady, gorechild, tabor & myself... if I remember correctly were the ones that all restarted at cherno. I died twice to snipers. Then finally found a enfield and was creeping through cherno when i saw a guy running down another street with zombies after him. I started running paralleling him on another street and picked up some agro myself as well. He ran out of town north of the apartments with myself right behind him. I heard a bunch of heavy weapons fire and decided not to chase him. turned an ran back towards the backside of the apartments came around the corner tot he front and ran up the stairs into the apartment building top floor with a widow over looking the street.

At this time crouched down upstairs at the widow I started looking for where the heavy "Loud" sounding gunfire was coming from. I saw a guy on the roof of the adjacent apartments. So I shot several times till was sure I had dropped him. I saw a death message of Silver Chair was killed.

I then dropped down on my belly because there was still other gun fire going on. Few minutes later I saw someone run into the adjacent apartment buildings door. I kept looking for him to come out on a roof but didn't see him again.

Meanwhile I was telling Alaroady and the others where I was located. Alaroady was going to clear the other apartments and as he was rolling up saw a truck and grabbed it and took off with it. Apparently whoevers truck it was was chasing after him. I was trying to convince Alaroady to come back and get me but he wanted to go stash the truck somewhere. We were pretty sure it was hacked because he said that it had every best weapon in the game in it. Any way he ends up crashing and blowing the truck and himself up.

Meanwhile since Alaroady isn't coming back for me I decided to make a hospital run since the gunfire in the area has died down. I run out of the apartment and towards the hill so i can wrap around the back then over to the back of the hospital.

I then ran up the fire escape and stuck myself in the back corner of the roof. I was re-aranging crap in my backpack & person when I see a guy come up onto the roof from the same fire escape. He was looking in the other direction off the roof as I closed my backpack hit enter so i could go into first person and was starting to draw a bead on him. I had my video setting set to high so I was having trouble centering the crosshairs on target because he was crouch walking as he was turning. He saw me and turned to fire on me and got off a 3 round burst just as I aligned and shot once. We both died. I then read who I killed an was killed by... it was Blasty.

So, Mr. Blasty... I was crouched on the roof in the back corner the whole time. You just failed to check the roof. I would have killed you right off if I hadn't been preoccupied with other crap. It just sounds like you are using me as a scape goat for not being more situationally aware... and from what I have read... butt hurt about loosing your hacked stuff.

So after I was killed I was somewhere outside of east of cherno running for a farm house picked up a bunch of aggro didn't feel like running for 10 minutes trying to dump zombie aggro ran inside a single entrance house and logged out. When I logged back in I was knocked out and had a five minute timer so I alt-tabbed out of the game and started watching a tv show waiting for the timer. When I alt-tab back I saw a message that I was banned for ghosting. That was the first time I had even heard of that term since I have literally only owned the game a week.

Also there were a lot of people firing at each other in about a four block radius and apparently it was multiple groups. I'm not quite sure how my name is drawn out of a hat other that I killed Blasty at the same time he killed me and he was pissed and decided to go board warrioring about it and / jump on the band wagon because my name was already thrown out there.

I play with a great group of guys. We all belong to a fairly large guild spread across various games. We also have more of our members and friends picking up the game daily. We think it would be fun to play on your server... it would make some kick-ass clan wars. But not if our members are unable to play together because one or more of them is banned from the server especially when they were not cheating. One of our chief concerns is over zealous admins that might be ban happy when things don't play out their way in a fair fight. But it doesn't seem that way.

When I was banned last night the feeling was I got banned because an admin got mad because he got headshot and then we made off with their hacked truck full of weapons and destroyed it then shot another admin...(we thought blasty was one as well). So we were going to pick another server today till a couple of our guys saw this post and decided to give the server another chance and suggested I make a post.

That is conditional though on removing my ban because like I said we all prefer to play together. So anyway nice to meet you guys look forward to playing with or against you guys in the future if you so decide.

Cheers and Kudos if you made it through this lengthy post!


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i cant get over how full of shit you guys are hahahahahahhaa.. next time ill just record it and have proof i guess... hahahaha dude ghosts right in front of me and tries to play like he is legit.

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That's the first time I have seen it happen. We were killing a lot of people do I may be some lashback. I actually had a broken leg and was laying in a stairwell when i heard a crunching sound. I briefly was moved into debug with everyone but I didn't die. One out of our group did and another nearly did but was able to bandage with barley any life. So it must not kill every person. Not that I was all that worried I didn't have anything worth losing.

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Someone just crashed an A10 at balota and blew manny up!

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Now there's jets flying all over the server. One just suicide attacked me.

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Is it possible to tell who was killed in the logs recently? We killed a guy near the coast and he had a DMR both times. Same gear and relatively close timeframe. I would recognize his name if I saw it again

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That's not a grenade launcher, its the jet blowing up...

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Wow man. I was running back to my body after that jet crashed into me. Blasty killed you to protect my corpse and you restart the server? Really? Thanks.

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That's not a grenade launcher' date=' its the jet blowing up...


i'm talking to silver right now. he was 1-2km north of balota, nearer kozlovka i guess hearing the "bunk! bunk! bunk! boosh! boosh! boosh!" noise i guess

he's seen the downed a10 and someone running around it though

edit- lol

he's not trying to fuck with you guys, he's trying to find out the hackers names and remove them. chill the fuck out, he had like a flashlight

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Yeah, that would be me.. and i just sniped silverchair and killed him... then the server went down.

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Yeah. That was us investigating the crash. Thing flew right over us and crashed into the mountains. I walked up to it and it exploded in my face killing me.

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Nothing fun about dieing and server going down.

On the + side of things our tents are back. =)

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