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Rarest Loot (Experienced Looters)

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Thw whole map. A good scavenger can do more than spot camping and server hopping

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Thw whole map. A good scavenger can do more than spot camping and server hopping

What do you mean?

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I have crafted a total of 3 complete guillie suits. Netting is common in .52 and no longer a problem, burlap sacks in the other hand is a lil bit of pain, not because they re hard to find, but because you need so many of them. I like to check places like Vybor and Zele for these. In a good run I'll usually end up with 6 burlap sacks.

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I have only found one grenade the entire time I have been playing (I rarely loot heli crashes so if that's the only place they are then that is probably why)


Attempted to throw it in a window to finish someone off...but of course it bounced back at me and I blew my self up B)


Also I don't think I have ever seen an AK74u mag

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I found grenades at crash sites. Threw a HE and it did jack shit, didn't even blow up (was worn/pristine and yes, I pulled the pin). Now I have two flashbangs which I don't want to use because of how DayZ is and I might get affected when I shouldn't.

Edited by DontGoToBalotaAlone

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Btw, I think we all know who the REAL experienced looters are....



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i used to find so many grenades. at one point i was giving them away. but found none since .51

mags are rare, but for me, i have not seen a pso-1 scope in ages...

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I'm a loot fanatic but I avoid military areas like the plague. Hearing about how seriously some guys take "mil looting" makes me want to camp out some barracks and see who pops up in my crosshairs. ;)


In terms of civilian loot, clearly magazines are very rare. Junk yards (scrap yards) are actually a good place to find guns/bags/food/mags lately. For those who aren't familiar, there's one in Berezino in the south west corner. Just a yard full of junked pickup trucks. There's one near the eastern outskirts of Cernaya Polana too that has a few military trucks as well. Not sure where the others (if any) are.


Other than that, Press and Stab vests seem to be rare anymore in non-military areas. They used to be findable but not since they took away the static police cars and/or changed what buildings they spawn in. Military vests can occasionally be found in the open barns with two sets of stairs.

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Rare stuff I actually found:


Press Vest

High Capacity Vest

AK clips

Protector Case


Pristine Gorka helmet with pristine visor (still got 1 shot sniped SMH)

Regular tent


AK74u Magazines


Non-Helicopter crash Stuff I have not found:


Pistol Suppressor

Atlas Bipod (was this removed?)

New Sword

New Chainsaw

Military Tent

Stab Vest

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I love how everyone calls the military outpost next to the fucking same hill, veresnik, that's been there from day one. It's as close to vybor as the god damn nwaf is. Is that the vybor airfield now?

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I love how everyone calls the military outpost next to the fucking same hill, veresnik, that's been there from day one. It's as close to vybor as the god damn nwaf is. Is that the vybor airfield now?


No the Vybor airfield got moved to balota, and the balota airfield tents got moved next to Myshinko, which we now call "Tent City", Berezino is now NEAF, NEAF is now useless and has been removed completely because it was too fun, Riffy is now in the middle of the map, Starry sobor and Novy Sobor had their locations reciprocated, and then the names swapped, NWAF is now referred to as "NWAAAHF" because no one wants to say North West Airfield anymore, Cherno is now called Elektro south, Berezino is Mega Elektro North, and glitch Island was moved closer to the coastline by Elektro.


Confused? Here's a graphic




ms paint is so Cal-i

Edited by DeatHTaX
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God dammit, if zombies and survivors weren't enough, now I gotta deal with fucking dragons too?



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God dammit, if zombies and survivors weren't enough, now I gotta deal with fucking dragons too?



dragons would do nothing but make this game more awesome.

20 fresh spawns fighting a dragon to defend Elektro armed with nothing but bats and fire extinguishers? would pay to see it.

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dragons would do nothing but make this game more awesome.

20 fresh spawns fighting a dragon to defend Elektro armed with nothing but bats and fire extinguishers? would pay to see it.


You've got your idea for a mod right there. Skyrim meets Chernarus! 

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You've got your idea for a mod right there. Skyrim meets Chernarus!

DragZ standalone?

has nothing to with Rupaul

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DragZ standalone?

has nothing to with Rupaul

I don't know about you but when I hear DragZ I don't think dragons haha some one have a pic of what a drag zombie would look like lol?

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I don't know about you but when I hear DragZ I don't think dragons haha some one have a pic of what a drag zombie would look like lol?

idk i always thought dudes in drag looked like zombies anyway

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Netting certainly aint rare anymore, found 24 in fishing village alone (without restart, non persistant private server)

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The rarest items for me has to be the M4/Ammo Boxes/MP5. I know the M4 and boxes are at heli sites. The only problem for me is when I find one it's always looted. I found the MP5 one time out west in a police station, but never again. I can find clips for it but never the actual gun.

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There are no WW2 grenades - the RGD-5 (or "RDG-5" as it is called ingame) was just a super prevalent soviet Cold War era hand grenade. It's basically just the Eastern/Chernarussian variant of the M67 grenade, although both perform identical game-wise.


However, it would be cool to find some old WW2 era hand grenades ala the RGD-33 (stick grenade), F1 (pineapple), and RPG-40 (anti-tank stick grenade - useful vs. vehicles) as rarer spawns in general military areas.

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PM 73 RAK. Some say its a myth.. its not a myth because there are many people on youtube who showed them. I belive the PM 73 RAK is the rarest gun in the game by FAR.

It's so rare man. I've only seen 1 and it's because I killed a hacker. 


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I dont always hit military areas, but when i do i prey for a bugged out spawn with tons of loot......


when i randomly stumbled on a bugged loot area in a military place the other day. I finally found a Pso-1 scope and 120 rounds of ak101 ammo, AK hand guard rail. and some different stocks. ak74,ak101, aks 74u, standard ak mag, vests,backpacks ect so like all barrack loot x10. The scope i really didnt see for months, the rail for a long time, and the ammo was hard to find,  i only had 40 extra rounds, before i found the bugged stuff and got 120 more rounds. SO until i got lucky and found that. Before loot was hit and miss for me. But when you find areas like that it makes up for the few weeks of not finding stuff.


So after seeing that place i figure loot is still messed up.


I havent tried to farm heli crashes. Lately, Thats what i want to start doing.  im looking for an amphibia s pistol now, Smersh vest and backpack. The rare part for me was finding the magazine for the amphibia s.


rare to me = weapon magazines(pistols mainly, havent seen a 45mag, i seen fnx,amphibia,makarov mags, 1 ak 101 mag, 1 standard ak mag, 1 cz mag ) , pso-1 scope(should be rare tbh)  certain ammo.. i havent seen much sks ammo and 5.56 ....grenades  dont care for.

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