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Can anyone explain how to know if I will keep my character if i server Hop?

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I normally try to go on Persistance only servers, but even then sometimes my character dissapears, but when i go back to the older server i was using the character is still there, is there any surefire way to know wich servers i can safely hop without reseting or having a duplicated character?

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Private and public servers have different character data bases.

1st and third person server do as well. Stick to 1/3rd public servers.

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So what does the persistance server thing means? So has i understand any server with public and 1/3 person i should be fine even if its not written persistance server on the name? Also, what is with all the servers that are empety but have nearly no loot?

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  On 12/29/2014 at 11:05 AM, PhillyT said:

Private and public servers have different character data bases.

1st and third person server do as well. Stick to 1/3rd public servers.

Philly, why would you offer ANY advice to an admitted server hopper?

I hope this exploiting jerkoff gets nothing. I hope he gets reset EVERY time. I hope he learns to play in a manner that respects the game, his fellow players, and himself.

Ass...I mean Ace....may your character die in a fire every time you deliberately leave one server to join another for the sole purpose of loot farming.

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Crazykage your an idiot, i havent played dayz in a while i am trying to find a good server to play on,I do not serverhoppe in search of gear half of the servers i tryed, either keep crashing, or have nearly 0 loot so i cant even survive has a fresh spawn, i am not a "server Hooper" i just didnt find a decent server to play on when i do I am sure to stop on that server, i dont want to play on a full server because has a fresh spawn that means dying over and over for a can of beans and also it means when I or a friend disconects we cant get in until someone gets out of the server so i been searching for a normal server, without crashes, without me or my friends getting kicked or having high ping, and where there is actually some loots that allow us to play the game.


Saying all this, if any of you can sugest some good servers that arent constantly fully Full, but still have a decent population of 20 or so, where i could settle i would be very thankfull ( Public server tough, not private)

Edited by acekaze
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Dont join private hive servers, assuming youre joining a friends server not loot farming?

Edited by FCBM2014

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Me and my friends dont own a server, we always play in public, we also avoid private Hives, but most of the servers i been finding are either way to full, or way to buggy, we have all been away from Dayz for months, and only came back last weekend so we are kinda out of all the new changes, but all we been finding its either servers with nearly 0 loot ( sometimes even after the server just crashed, there is still no loot after) so we have kind been forced to server hoppe while searching for a good server,

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  On 12/29/2014 at 11:52 AM, acekaze said:

Crazykage your an idiot, i havent played dayz in a while i am trying to find a good server to play on,I do not serverhoppe in search of gear half of the servers i tryed, either keep crashing, or have nearly 0 loot so i cant even survive has a fresh spawn, i am not a "server Hooper" i just didnt find a decent server to play on when i do I am sure to stop on that server, i dont want to play on a full server because has a fresh spawn that means dying over and over for a can of beans and also it means when I or a friend disconects we cant get in until someone gets out of the server so i been searching for a normal server, without crashes, without me or my friends getting kicked or having high ping, and where there is actually some loots that allow us to play the game.


Saying all this, if any of you can sugest some good servers that arent constantly fully Full, but still have a decent population of 20 or so, where i could settle i would be very thankfull ( Public server tough, not private)

First, allow me to apologize for a misunderstanding brought about by YOUR poor choice of words. If you are hopping servers to find a good server to play in, rather than to farm loot, then obviously you are not doing anything exploitative.

Second, why are you so dead set against private servers? I myself now play almost exclusively on the [FOG] Clan servers, as they have plenty of loot due to persistence being turned off, which means every reset brings fresh loot AND consistently respawns new heli crashes. This is because persistence, still being a work in progress, is bugged.

Because they are private shards, this also means that server hoping loot farmers cant come in and clean the good loot spawns because they cant take what they get with them back to public shards. This ALSO means a reduced number of hackers, as the admins eventually get them banned from the servers.

My recommendation? Get yourself whitelisted to a private shard run by a clan that has a server nearby where you live. Get good ping, good loot, good people, and good fun. Try the [FOG] clan servers!


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I apologise also for being to hotheaded, i been kind against private servers, because me and my friends are pretty casual on dayz, we like to enjoy the exploration and gearing but do it at our own pace, i am afraid of the private servers, always afraid of abuse in admins side, or having to be on a server where you will keep finding a whole clan hunting other peeps,  but like you said, we been having our share of problems with hackers on publics servers, what exactly is the persistance thing? 

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What is done on public servers really is no different than what is done on private ones. Only difference is on private servers it takes longer and you are competing with a set group for a smaller pool of loot. Whether you are server "hopping" to get loot or simply retracing your steps on a private server restart, you are essentially doing the same thing. I put this in my pipe to smoke and it made a little more sense after a while. Now I don't give a fuck.

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To be fair, the term "server hopping" does generally imply loot farming and is widely frowned upon.


Using a term like "switching servers" would probably be what you are looking for. This is something that happens when the server you are on restarts or when you want to go join a friend, etc.


Also, for what it's worth the best advice for keeping your character between server switches would be to wait and be patient. Once you leave Server A, just wait a few minutes before you try and join Server B. If you switch too quickly it's possible that the hive thinks you are on Server A and therefore creates a duplicate fresh character on Server B out of confusion. This is just a theory however.


And finally there are already plenty of topics that clearly describe what Persistence means...feel free to search the forum.

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Why my char was wiped?

It can occour a problem if you join a server too fast after restart. You should also wait like 30 secs between leaving and joining.


      How do i know that a server just restarted?

      Well, that can be a bit tricky just make sure there are more than 1-2 poeple on the server and you should be fine.


What is persistance?

That means that items that you layed on the ground are still there after the restart. For example, you should only place tents on persistance servers because they would dissapear after a restart.

(Note: No matter if persistance or not, Wednesday is restart day, so pack your tent and items at Tuesday evening. The persistance system isn't finished yet and may not work as intended)


Why no loot meh?

Talking about persistance, just imagine the same thing for the tents in the other way: Loot dosn't automaticly spawn after a restart.

Anyway, i assume you walk away from the coast to find stuff.


Any differences between public and private servers?

You can't switch from a private server to any other server.

Besides this, not really. They almost got the same rules and any violations by admins (examples: locking, kicking for no reason, restart to grind loot) should be reported shortly.

The only real disadvantage, if the server goes down for technical reasons, you have to wait or switch.


So i can gather stuff on non persistance servers because it's easier to find loot, then switch to persistance and build a tent?

Yes, as long as no private server is involved and you either stay on 1st person only or on 1st/3rd person servers.

Edited by Freshmen
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Persistant servers are your issue here. On non persistant servers loot resets as you remember it, on the persistant servers this is not the case. If you are on the coast, on a persistant server move inland as quickly as possible. You'll have to survive on berries and apples until then. Hopping really will do you more harm than good.

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