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Game unplayable

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I bought this game via steam, i played it before on arma, but this time the stand alone game is impossible to start off. The pixels are huge! so huge i can't read any of the writing to figure out how to configure it. so i started just guessing on the setting, what looked like video, rendering ect and clicked some settings that looked like high or very high  but the game is exactly the same. So as a result i can't get past the opening bit because i can't actually see anything, i can;t make it windowed mode (if that's available) so i can send you a screeny. I am at a loss as to how i will be able to proceed. I run other games such as eveonline ect and have no problems, my pc is brand new so i know it meets the requirements to play this game, I am just at a loss as how to proceed. 


I saw some of your recent posts saying


1:Enter main menu, click configure button (1 above bottom)
2:Click video (one above bottom left)
3:Click user interface (one above bottom left)\
4:Top option is resolution (change it to anything)
5: the screen will return to normal



but i can't even read the writing the pixels are so big its very strange. is there a way to alter the setting before starting up the game?

Edited by xPocketsx
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sounds like you need the second method ala 


Second method:

1. Locate the .cfg file here: C:\Users\MyUser\Documents\DayZ\DayZ.cfg and open it with wordpad or similar.

2. Change the resolution values, thusly:



Remember to replace those values with your monitor's native resolution.

3. Save and launch DayZ.

Edited by B@ker
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