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About these Mega Loot servers are they for real?

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I see it all the time Mega Loot and its packed 40 players very hard to get in.


The real question is how are they able to do it? every single Daylight only server happens to be a mega loot server which happens to be packed with players


I am not too happy about that considering I always get killed out of nowhere in Elektro. I would much prefer run around in a empty server to find loot what you guys think?

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Putting "Mega Loot" in their server name is just to attract people that otherwise wouldn't join. They have no control over loot spawns.

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Believe nothing that is put in the name of a server. Ever. Online gaming 101

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Killed out of nowhere in elektro? Elektro is where survivors go to die. No matter what server you're on

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yeah I dunno why I go elektro but I do it soon as I spawn and I just go to die. I feel one of the big reasons for going elektro is well it might have lots of guns and well its near the sea.

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I'll admit, it's a good place to meet/see people. But if you want to survive for any length of time, it's not te safest place hangout.

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