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Am I doing it wrong? (south cost)

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Iv played about 16 lives so far and im at the /quit point. My day Z experience has been nothing like most people say the game is.

15 of my 16 lives has been spent running around citys and towns for 20 mins looking for a gun or anything useful only to find an unlimited amount of green shotgun rounds, window glass and spare tires. Then getting hit by a random zombie teleporting out of a wall and bleeding to death as I run from more zombies teleport through walls and buildings.

The one life I did manage to find a gun the game was tons of fun, I survived for about 40 mins til said zombies teleported through the building I was in and broke my leg. -.-

The only plausible thing I can think of is past the south cost there is an abandoned gun factory or something were people claim to find all these cool cars,backpacks,camos,guns,tents,exc.

But everytime I go north I just end up running about 20 mins through woods, climb to a top of a hill, See their is there is nothing but more woods as far as the eye can see, and respawn.


Were are you guys finding all your guns/cool stuff. I cant find anything but windshield glass near the spawning towns.

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I usually head north when I start a new character depending on my spawn point. I tend to avoid cherno/elektro. I head to berezino. If you wanna play we can group up and get some loot from there. My guy just died so I am starting over again :P

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Find all my stuff in the north. :P

Seriously I do, When I respawn I try and respawn in Kamenka and head North to Zeleno, then goto Pushtoshka and Vybor hitting up the deer-stands along the way. Maybe I goto the NWA if I feel its safe. Or I'll search around for downed heli wrecks.

I avoid all the coastal towns except Berezino. Berezino is a good town to loot and has a lot less traffic than any other coastal town.

Get an out of game map to help you get places until you can find one ingame. Some tips for finding the direction you are going:

1) The clouds move from West to East in game.

2) Sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

3) If you are at/near the top of a hill/mountain and see a straight horizon line, that horizon line is the ocean. So it is either South or East.

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no running plz.

crouch and move slowly... I barely aggro the zeds and I think I'm doing pretty good~

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