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Looking for a server developer

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Howdy there! I'm Tex, former admin of Banshee County and =ADK= and am now the co-founder of a new gaming community called 'The Colony'. We have just bought our very own DayZ server and am in need of a server developer. We need a dev familiar with Vilayer run servers, but we will take any dev who is willing to help. If interested please contact me via Skype, Steam, TS or this. 


Skype: Johnmcdeer

Steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198141487532

TS: thecolony.enjinvoice.com


To those who help out, you'll recieve various gifts ranging any where from a private TS channel to $$$ depending on the work done.

Edited by thecolonydayz

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Ah, what do you need done? A job description please?

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