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"Get Em' Outta Here"

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Let's say you got killed by blasted bandits. You spawn close to where you die so you go back to where you died and oh noo! they hid your body.. well, naw I think they JUST USED THEIR WIZARD POWERS TO SEND MY BODY TO A PARRELEL UNIVERSE! If you kill someone you know how their body goes into 'ragdoll mode', right? Well when someone dies we should be able to drag their body and hide it in a bush somewhere. We already have in the ragdoll effect, all we have to do is add the ability for a player to move a dead corpse!


Because its totally unrealistic; your friend bled out and died in the middle of the Balota airstrip, you go to his corpse, and some little kid is looting it! you confront him and he lies and says "its my friends body". You kill the little squeaker and guard your friends body till he comes to get his stuff in the MIDDLE OF A DEATHZONE! If you could drag the body, you would've took advantage of it and drug your friends corpse up in the trees a good 1200 meters north east. But instead you got your booty shot off in the middle of a stinkin airstrip..



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Think this has been suggested before and I don't think that anyone have been against it. The devs are probably already either thinking of it or working on it right now. (Not literally since it's vacation)

I do like the idea to so beans to you

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Totally agree on this! Plus blood stain could lead to the hidden body if the player got heavy bleeding! As blood stains were already suggested in hunting topics,it could be implemented here as well.

Edited by Mater
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Love the idea but probobly a down the road kind of feature

Glad this guy is here to do the moderators job?^^^

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