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I need someone to come to the NWAF Tents and bring a splint and a IV Starter bag, because i have extremely low health and my leg is about to break. Please do not KOS, my friend is meeting me there later today and we want to keep on going. If you wish to go there and help me add me on steam: captain_hawkiins: MrStealYoGirl. Then message me.

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Man just go out to the woods and hunt some game, you'll be healthy in no-time

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You went to the NWAF in that condition? Or did you run into trouble?

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 Please do not KOS




Aye, good luck with that!



Seriously though, just being low on health is no reason for anyone to die. I've seen me survive almost 3 hours (in real time) of attacks and starvation on a populated server and still turn it around. It's only when you are up against it do you find out how good you can be at the game.



Beans to S&P as RRF are a good bunch and will help you.

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Aye, good luck with that!



Seriously though, just being low on health is no reason for anyone to die. I've seen me survive almost 3 hours (in real time) of attacks and starvation on a populated server and still turn it around. It's only when you are up against it do you find out how good you can be at the game.



Beans to S&P as RRF are a good bunch and will help you.


Watched a vid on this bone stat thing the other day and was a little disappointed that it never regens. So while it looks like you are pulling it back your guy is getting ever closer to that insta 1 hit kill even if fully hydrated energised and healthy.


I hope we can rebuild it at some point, maybe using a calcium rich long term diet and it taking a week or more of ingame time to recover :)

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Watched a vid on this bone stat thing the other day and was a little disappointed that it never regens. So while it looks like you are pulling it back your guy is getting ever closer to that insta 1 hit kill even if fully hydrated energised and healthy.


I hope we can rebuild it at some point, maybe using a calcium rich long term diet and it taking a week or more of ingame time to recover :)

Link to video?

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