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the1freeMan (DayZ)

Fix sensitivity slider (again...)

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Minimum config value of GUI sensitivity slider is 0.2 .

That's not nearly enough for medium/ low sensitivity players coming from Counterstrike and other technical FPS.


With 800 cpi @ 0.2 I can get barely usable sensitivity, higher cpi mice like the DA 3G require exiting game and manually setting sensitivity every time.

This is tedious and sould be fixed.

It has been modified once already, but seems like devs don't know much about gaming mice and assume everybody playes with an office mouse at high sens to comepensate the mouse's shortcomings.


For all you smart asses:

Changing cpi from the mouse is not an option, 1800 is the only value native to sensor register and others require microcontroller recalculation, feeling like crap.

Windows pointer speed 4/11 also feels pretty bad and, regardless of that, any decent modern generation (and not only) game can handle 1800 cpi.

I have many other lower cpi mouses, but I like this one, I (and any other player) should have the right to use it without all this hassle!

Edited by the1freeMan

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