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Performance Issues on Solid Rig

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So maybe this is just due to poorly optimized Arma Engine, but I have friends on worse PC's than mine that play the game with better FPS than me...


Out in the middle of nowhere I am usually around 80 fps, but when I get into the city i am lucky to get 30 fps (even on very low settings).


My rig :

4th gen I-7  4770K CPU 3.5 GHz

32 GB Ram

GeForce GTX 780 

Windows 7 Ultimate


I feel like my rig should be getting more out of this game? It drives me crazy to not be able to smoothly play in cities. Is this normal? is there anything I can do to increase performance?




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Oh I forgot to mention.. the game is also installed on a SSD.

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i really don't know why people keep making threads about that and not bothering to search for same thread. you will find answers faster this way.

anyways, the answer to your question is this is normal. the game is not optimized yet and there is issues with engine and renderer. and if you take a look at road map for 2015 you will find out that in Q1 2015 you will see a new renderer which improve FPS dramatically and ofc a lot of other possibilities to improve the game in graphic and gameplay like Direct X 10/11 or better lighting and other stuff. 

so just wait for it.

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So maybe this is just due to poorly optimized Arma Engine, but I have friends on worse PC's than mine that play the game with better FPS than me...


Out in the middle of nowhere I am usually around 80 fps, but when I get into the city i am lucky to get 30 fps (even on very low settings).


My rig :

4th gen I-7  4770K CPU 3.5 GHz

32 GB Ram

GeForce GTX 780 

Windows 7 Ultimate


I feel like my rig should be getting more out of this game? It drives me crazy to not be able to smoothly play in cities. Is this normal? is there anything I can do to increase performance?




Arma 2/TOH based engine + lots of objects = poor frames 


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Edited by B@ker

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As of now, until optimization at least, the best way to get great frames is to turn off hyper-threading and get the best overlock you can get.

I run an i7-3930k at 4.4GHz with hyper-threading just because I'm lazy to turn it on and off and I get about 40 FPS in cities and 90+ outside cities. I know that is not ground breaking but defiantly playable.

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DayZ will only utilize one of your CPU cores and at most 4gb of RAM.

DayZ and Arma 2 use all 4 of my CPU cores evenly.

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That's because the workload is being distributed among all threads/cores evenly by windows it self. You'll see that the cpu usage will never reach higher then 25%/40% inside the task manager.

I would overclock your cpu as you have the K version and you'll see your fps skyrocket.

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