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Also' date=' I "spun off like a moron" because one of the first replies was "do you even know what tldr even means?"

That was completely nonsensical if you look at what he is quoting.


Clearly english isn't his first language, but it was pretty clear to me. At least you're open to logic, better than 99% of people here :/

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Seems like people are fine with the whole "shoot on sight" mentality.

I for one' date=' am not.

I believe this game has much more to it than a brainless "trust no one, shot everyone on sight" mode.


So fight back. Be a doctor and help people.

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I had to register just cause I saw the topic, and I thought the idea of the direction of DayZ in this manner was extremely interesting, at least to me anyways.

In my opinion, the only real major 'bug' that needs to be fixed is the poor optimization/GFX adjustment settings of the engine. That, however, is really out of the hands of the DayZ developers and is more on BIS's side. Anybody that wants to raise a point about that can PM me, because it's not relevant to the topic.

I think that the OP's concern makes a very valid point. Banking on the idea that I am not as experienced in game design as some people here, I have to agree that the game can be brutal to new players, and that unwanted/unexpected brutality might turn away some people. However, the ways the OP goes about to 'remedy' the solution is not the answer.

I guess growing up with more of the Quake-ish arcadey jumping-off-the-walls style games I'm probably the last person people will look at to evaluate the design of a game like DayZ as compared to ZedsDeadBaby (who made a wonderful contribution to the topic which explained the idea very well, I'm just trying to put my prospective in to support his idea.) and the OP.

The game itself is very player orientated, and many of the mechanics of the game are crafted by the ingenuity of the players and not by raw code and developer design, and that's frankly how it should stay. To punish the way I play even into my next life or two would be wholly unfair because not only is it punishing players for accidental incidents, but maybe say I had a change of heart and wanted to play more honestly without killing players? (I guess the definition honesty varies when you're talking about a game like this, but hopefully you can catch on by what I mean.)

Also with that, it seems as if you're almost enacting a penalty in such a rash way, that some make take that as dictating how the game should be played. An idea of a karma system is very unfair and is flawed in design. The bandit skin thing I have no idea of because I wasn't around for it, but seeing as how it was removed I take it it wasn't very popular because of the same idea.

However, I guess just throwing out my idea here. To offer another solution to the idea that it's brutal for newcomer: played created safe zones. To keep the idea of the game being dictated by player action, it's very reasonable to believe that a population of the player base will want to band together and form sort of safe zones and towns to make the game either easier or to at least show newcomers the ropes. It was brought up in the topic too I believe earlier.

It's through this idea that you're not breaking the idea of a player created experience, and with the advent of new updates and the possibility of constructs, the idea becomes, at least in my mind, wholly plausible. It's also absurd to think that throughout the discourse of humanity and it's tens of thousands of years of civilization that it wouldn't occur to at least a few people that banding together is better than blowing each other's heads off, so I don't buy this "everything for yourself" and "loner" mentality as being the sole mechanic of player interaction of the game (not that it is, but some people take it as so :U).

I look at it like this, if it helps. I'm not likening DayZ to Garry's Mod, but in my experience, many of the better Garry's Mod role playing servers were created out of the interaction of players and not strict rules/rigid plugins by the server operators. Many of the servers that had an almost staggering amount of rules and/or tons of plugins didn't get very popular because it dictated how people played the game and how they interacted with each other. The beauty of DayZ and the popular Gmod RP server is the freedom and player created experience that's made as a byproduct of a great base, and a great base is what DayZ has (as long as they keep updating C: )

TL;DR = make the game easier for n00bs by players helping players, not devs babysitting.

And if you actually read the whole thing (props), forgive the almost annoying use of the comma. My mind goes faster than my ability to put a period at the end of an idea. C:

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Playing DayZ for 2 weeks now, not the most active player, and although like many, i agree something must be done to change a lil of the KOS mentality in game, i dont belive making it easier like the OP said will bring any good to the game.

I saw a couple of vids on youtube about the game, and couple of days later, bought the ArmA CO pack to play DayZ, and so far, awesome experience.

I loved the fact i started out without weapons or food, (cuz all the vids i saw they still started with the Makrov), just made it more intense while learning my steps, and i didnt know about respawning in Balota either. I dont think its that hard to make it out like a newbie, as long has you use your brain.

In my opinion the game should be even harder in fact, cuz i didnt take that long to get my first weapon, or water bottle, or can of sardines, the zombies only present themselfs has challenge the first 4 or 5 deaths, and after that all you need is a bit of luck in finding what you need.

Like Zeds said so well, its the punishing learning process of DayZ that makes it great. Thats its essence. The smallest personal goal achieved is a moment of glory.

Further more:

Bandit skins/punishment - Terrible idea.

Spawn with weapon - Terrible idea.

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If it is to long and you did not care to read it, perhaps you should shut your ignorant clown-hole?

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I started playing DayZ in the current version (

I took a couple stupid deaths in the beginning learning the game, but now I have zero problems staying alive, finding loot, etc.

And so far I played 100% solo.

I think they should make the game even harder.

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