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Helicopters crash sites.

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So I am wondering if the persistent on servers, keep the loot of helicopter crashses after each restart? So if server restart 3 times there will be 9 potential spots with loot on the ground? If no one looted them? I am aware of all the other issues etc.. All I want to know if they work like this on persistent ON.

Also anyone got good map for helicopter crashes..? That is upto date.. The helicrashsites were taken away from DBmap.. :(

Edited by Lindecrantz1
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So I am wondering if the persistent on servers, keep the loot of helicopter crashses after each restart? So if server restart 3 times there will be 9 potential spots with loot on the ground? If no one looted them? I am aware of all the other issues etc.. All I want to know if they work like this on persistent ON.

No. After each restart there's just no other crash sites spawning, meaning there should only be 3 "loot patches" from crash sites scattered around the possible locations of the crash sites. The helicopter itself is invisible but the loot is on the ground. It's just not very easy to spot.


We might not get an official word on this, but it's probably gonna get fixed in the next experimental and isn't really top priority bug to fix right now.

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Ok so 3 crash sites from wednesday to next wednesday on persistent servers? Does the loot stack up on these crash sites then each restart? Like each restart give more loot on the crash site?

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Ok so 3 crash sites from wednesday to next wednesday on persistent servers? Does the loot stack up on these crash sites then each restart? Like each restart give more loot on the crash site?

That.... Is a great question......

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Ok so 3 crash sites from wednesday to next wednesday on persistent servers? Does the loot stack up on these crash sites then each restart? Like each restart give more loot on the crash site?

Honestly, I think since persistence means loot respawn in real time and not loot refresh every server restart, which is the reason we come across those giant loot piles since loot respawn was implemented, the loot spawned from the crash sites, if caught in a "region" (the map is separated in smaller hexes/squares) where the loot respawns infinitely then yes, the crash sites even though not visible could "explode" in loot and become more visible that way.


But it's just an hypothesis and have not been confirmed yet. (Though highly probable.)

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Fairly certain I remember reading a post mentioning random ammo boxes in large fields, but no other loot. This leads me to believe that heli crashes still spawn every restart. However, only containers and rifles will consistently survive the restart (or a few restarts).

If my hypothesis is correct, this means that if you stumbled upon a crashsite from a previous "restart period" that spawned a rifle or ammo box, the item would still be visible and lootable.

On a side note, does anyone know how far away rifles will render and be visible to the naked eye? Through optics?

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Hi, If anyone still would come read this thread does anyone know if it can spawn less than 3 helicopters on 1 server? Because I joined a fresh restarted non persistent server I went to ALL locations on the map literally all of them.. It took me hours.. And I found only 1.. It was the one that has no smote and has smersh vest....

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