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constant restart?

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when I select play, it sends me to the lobby with servers . I select one with green dot and features I want, then click it...shortly after, I get a restart button, which then takes me back to lobby.  So I select a different one, with same outcome. when I try to use one of other tabs like favorite, it is blank, then even going back to lobby will be blank. Only thing I can do is actually restart the entire game again from my windows screen.  Always same outcome even then.


when I change steam to use beta experimental, I get the lobby with far fewer green dots (experimental servers) but at least I can get into them.


Is there something I need to do beside making sure my steam has non-beta loaded to get in to stable servers?  This is so frustrating  :/



EDIT:  except today, I'm getting no executable when trying for experimental  :(


EDIT #2 :  ok, found if I add a server to favorite, and go directly to favorites instead of selecting one in lobby, I can get on  :)

Edited by just4me

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