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Slippy and Grippy Surfaces

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The main scenario I have in my head for this one is you know how we slow when running uphill...that suggests some sort of elevation detaction. You know how we get wet...that suggesys some sort of rain detection. well this idea sort of merges the two.


If in dry conditions we can run at the slope and be slowed....then if its raining (and dependant on incline) theres a chance to slip, loose your footing, and slide down the hill. If you hit a rck or tree on the way down then chance of broken leg/arm.


This would be a tiny chance on slopes that just slow to a jog...but slopes that can slow to a walk should have a much greater chance.


To go with this system id like to see that hill detection swap a crouched stance to an all fours scramble if going up an appropriate slope, it could swap back to a standard crouch animation if you stopped, say to shoot.


PS system should also apply to zeds so they can slip and fall while chasing you.


PPS.....this is just one idea for it. It could apply to vehicles eg. wheels spinning forward....speedo says 120mph....but you are actually sliding backwards down the hill. Tractor could excel at climbing in wet conditions.


Maybe chance to slip on painted/metalic floor surfaces while running, chance to drop a bike if you hit a grid while banked in rain..ect ect :)

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I like it. I'd love to see the all-fours scramble and the absolute frustration of CoD kiddies unable to sprint sideways uphill anymore.

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