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Calipsos and swimming

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Add wetsuits, or items that would make the character not feel the cold and water when swimming. This would allow us to reach the coastal islands without getting a outrageous cold and uber wet.


As with a wetsuit, more things like diving mask, swimming goggles, swimming hat, flippers, and other water/swimming items should be added as well. Coolest thing imho would be diving gear! This would in ideal spawn in a pool or in a sports complex. I think a pool/sports complex has already been mentioned, but this is not what I'm trying to say here. What I want to see in the game are clothing items that help one swim to the islands without getting cold. Reaching Skalisty island is just not worth it right now too, not much there and the cold you get when you swim there is just bad.


Plus, running around in flippers and a bathing suit would feel like summer has finally hit Chernarus.


I attached a picture of a swimming pool that would be ideal place for these to spawn. A building like that should fit the dayz feel too. Abandoned and overgrown.


Edited by Fuze.

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What is a calipso? you mean a small rubber boat?


The water tight bag we have now could also function like a float, keeping your gear afloat.

Before doing a crossing it would be best to put your dry clothes into this dry bag, so you'll have dry clothes and warm up quickly when you reach the other shore.

For anyone who has not swam in cold waters, there are 3 shivering phases, the first one is because of quick change in outside temperature. The second one comes later when the limbs get hypothermia, this is also the wise moment to get out quickly before severe cramps set in. The third shivering phase is the final burst of energy the body attempts to keep you conscious.

These could be simulated simply by having a variables of time in water, water temperature, and body temp before entering water. It could be a simple linear equation, where the start body temp would be the vantage point, and the water temp the angle of the temperature decline over time. The shivering phases are related to the body temp, and indicate to the player how far along they are on their way to unconsciousness, drowning and dying of lack of O2. On the shore quicky put dry clothes on, eat some solid food, and run and regain your body temperature quickly. Wet clothes can taken off to dry quicker in the sun -if it shines ;) on a stone surface, or near a fire.


Just to remind people, in real life after people loose conciousness they can still live for many minutes (at least 4) on their remaining 50% SaO2 reserves in their blood. There are enough stories of people having been about 20 minutes underwater unconscious. So when you see an unconscious person just get them to air clear their airways, blow in their face (triggers breathing reflex) and perform CPR. Do not give up easily. If it's a small faint, then the people come around fast, within a minute. When they do it's best to have them go to hospital to make sure they have not got water in their lungs, triggering 'second drowning' later on.  P.s. yes it's my interest, and I am a breath-hold diver / freediver, lifeguard and swim instructor.


If you drop into deep water, you better drop your gear otherwise you'll drown.. This would be much more realistic.

Water should degrade certain items faster, making maintenance needed. A drybag would prevent things getting wed, though the gun/axe would still suffer because it's exposed.

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What is a calipso? you mean a small rubber boat?


The water tight bag we have now could also function like a float, keeping your gear afloat.

Before doing a crossing it would be best to put your dry clothes into this dry bag, so you'll have dry clothes and warm up quickly when you reach the other shore.

For anyone who has not swam in cold waters, there are 3 shivering phases, the first one is because of quick change in outside temperature. The second one comes later when the limbs get hypothermia, this is also the wise moment to get out quickly before severe cramps set in. The third shivering phase is the final burst of energy the body attempts to keep you conscious.

These could be simulated simply by having a variables of time in water, water temperature, and body temp before entering water. It could be a simple linear equation, where the start body temp would be the vantage point, and the water temp the angle of the temperature decline over time. The shivering phases are related to the body temp, and indicate to the player how far along they are on their way to unconsciousness, drowning and dying of lack of O2. On the shore quicky put dry clothes on, eat some solid food, and run and regain your body temperature quickly. Wet clothes can taken off to dry quicker in the sun -if it shines ;) on a stone surface, or near a fire.


Just to remind people, in real life after people loose conciousness they can still live for many minutes (at least 4) on their remaining 50% SaO2 reserves in their blood. There are enough stories of people having been about 20 minutes underwater unconscious. So when you see an unconscious person just get them to air clear their airways, blow in their face (triggers breathing reflex) and perform CPR. Do not give up easily. If it's a small faint, then the people come around fast, within a minute. When they do it's best to have them go to hospital to make sure they have not got water in their lungs, triggering 'second drowning' later on.  P.s. yes it's my interest, and I am a breath-hold diver / freediver, lifeguard and swim instructor.


If you drop into deep water, you better drop your gear otherwise you'll drown.. This would be much more realistic.

Water should degrade certain items faster, making maintenance needed. A drybag would prevent things getting wed, though the gun/axe would still suffer because it's exposed.

Thanks for clearing all this up. Side note, by a calipso I mean the rubber thing you wear when you go wind surfing/diving. English is not my natural language, sorry for that :)


But yeah, I guess putting your clothes in a drybag, and taking some firemaking items with you, swimming to the island would work out fine. The thing is tough, the drybag doesn't have much room, it's decent, but still, to have some food, all your dry clothes, and some firemaking stuff, getting to the island would still make you choose on what can you take or not. Mabe when the building system is implemented, we could mabe possibly make rafts with some chopped logs. And yeah, the little equation you stated would do the trick on calcualting out character's condition. The current way works for now I guess. DayZ is still Alpha, so we can expect some cool new changes. Thanks for the relpy, have some beans!  :beans:  :D

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Thanks Fuse,


English isn't my native language either, I'm still learning, but youtube and listening to interesting podcasts help a lot.


I now believe you mean a wetsuit, when you describe 'calipso'.


Yes dry bags are usually not super roomy, but they float, and that extents your range :)


I think swimming across is not something you would do without consideration.

Finding a row boat, seems more interesting, especially if you can sail a river system.

Building a small make-shift raft is also a very cool option for those that do not have a dry bag should use if they want to bring gear with them. Such a raft isn't waterproof off cause.

A fast flowing river with rocks, rapids and waterfalls would also be very cool to see and navigate.


Thanks, for the recognition and the beans!

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Rivers, waterfalls and so on. New water and river mechanics would be great, I must agree with you. Sadly, if all this would be implemented, it would happen in beta or even later in the future. I really hope devs will start adding new things related to water and stuff.


Just imagine racing down a river with a friend, both have built a small raft. Then once you reach the sea, you'll bring up a small sail and both of you head to an island or something. :D

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I do not expect new features to be added in Beta, because that phase is mend for bug repair and polish/tuning/optimizations.


However I do think VBS2 engine, related to the ARMA2 engine, has some very cool advanced features, including rivers and accumulating snow. So I assume they know how to do it.


Their problem is the amount of development time they have, and how good and flexible their engine is.

The Arma engine is has always been heavy on computers, aiming for 30 fps.

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If you have a truck, you can drive underwater to the outlying islands.


Need lifejackets.

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If you have a truck, you can drive underwater to the outlying islands.


Need lifejackets.

Haha, didn't know that. They have a ton of things to fix with the new vehicles I see. :D

I should go find one, would love to see the new submarine they call a "land vehicle".


Their problem is the amount of development time they have, and how good and flexible their engine is.

 Even tough people say that the updates are slow and "WHERE ARE THE WEHICLES!?!" stuff, I think that they are going a bit fast. I'd like to see it get done faster, but the faster Bohemia finishes it, the less stuff will be added. Good things take time.  The engine has its limitations. It's amazing what they have gotten out of Arma2 engine, and I'm excited on what they get out of it next.

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