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Chicom Chest Rig

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I feel like we need a new vest.
All the vests in game at the moment are pretty modern so how about an old school one?




The Chicom design was originally from China (it's in the name) but there are locally made variations from Africa, South America, The Middle East, Russia and Eastern Europe.










It could be a low level military spawn item, 6 slots but common and with cute wooden toggles.  

What do you reckon?

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Reminds me of old NVA (East german/GDR army) rigs. Game needs a lot more of this, not all this modern stuff. :)

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This would make a hell of allot more sense to see in game and not some of the mall ninja clothing in game.

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good ol' 58 webbing please :P


equip1b.jpg                                                                                                                                             even a respirator pouch so when we get the gas mask back it doesn't hog backpack slots :)

Edited by wooly-back-jack

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I want this guys Hat, Coat and facial hair in DayZ

I always thought it was a shame they didn't go for that style of beanie, it's what you see all the Russian military wearing.



good ol' 58 webbing please :P

The more the merrier!

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