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Problem updating to 1.8.3

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I have been running a small 1.8.2 server for two weeks now with out and every is doing what it supposed to. the server is a the pwnz0r private server pack, (I know it is not supported here).


I have applied all the .3 updates and have the server up and running, but with one problem, It will not spawn in the objects table of the database.

The objects table is populated .


I have tried adjusting settings it the hiveext config, nothing makes any difference



the server .rpt apears to be spawning all inf.camp helicrashes etc....


however it is reporting the following:


"HIVE: Starting"
14:21:57 ["TIME SYNC: Local Time set to:",[2014,11,25,11,21],"Fullmoon:",false,"Date given by HiveExt.dll:",[2014,11,25,11,21]]
14:21:58 "HIVE: Request sent"
14:21:58 "HIVE: Commence Object Streaming..."
14:21:58 "HIVE: Streamed 0 objects"


As i realise, the private server is not spported here, i was wondering if someone could suggest where to look so I can work on fixing this.


Any help would be most welcome




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I am fairly certain that pwnz0r will release an update on this pretty soon, as he has done so in the past (after release).


Would most likely be better to wait for that.

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Thanks Kitchilron, I realise this, but it is now 4days, to get this far with it is an achievement, and do want to give up this close to making it work (hopefully).

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Check your instance ID too. "0 objects" means that the database returned 0 objects belonging to the instance. The ID is in the mission file

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Wonderbubby, why i overlooked that i dont know. Ammended and it has worked.


Many thanks facoptere

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